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Overwatch: Jeff Kaplan on the future of the franchise

Overwatch: Jeff Kaplan on the future of the franchise

Jeff Kaplan, Vice President of Blizzard Entertainment recently participated in 110 Rapid-Fire Questions for Game Informer, an interview with many quick questions on all types of topics. The Overwatch director took the opportunity to give some details about the future of the game.

Overwatch: Jeff Kaplan on the future of the franchise

Journalist Andrew Reiner was able to question Jeff Kaplan on many issues about Overwatch on a broad and humorous level. Here is a summary of the new information that is being learned.


  • The story of Overwatch 2 will take place one year after Winston's recall.
  • Most heroes will be part of the story mode.
  • Bastion will have an important role in history.
  • We will know a lot more about Echo until Overwatch 2 is released.
  • We'll probably never see the face behind Chopper's mask.
  • Jeff Kaplan would like to see an animated feature film about Overwatch released.
  • The developers believe that the license has good potential for a possible mobile game.

PVP mode

  • All Overwatch heroes will be available on Overwatch 2
  • Overwatch players will be able to play with those who own Overwatch 2 in PVP mode.
  • The level acquired on Overwatch will be recognizable on Overwatch 2, but we will probably have to start from scratch.
  • The developers are satisfied with the Role Queue and are working on improvements for it.
  • They are trying to develop a system for customizing the communication wheel.
  • They are considering implementing a Cross-Play system.
  • Developers would like to implement console test servers but this would slow down the patch process.
  • The developers have thought of a possible Battle Royale mode, and would like to offer new arcade modes for Overwatch 2.
  • They are also testing different business models that could mark the end of lootboxes.


  • During its development, Sombra could hack into the convoy to move it forward on its own.
  • According to Jeff Kaplan, if an Overwatch character were to join the Super Smash Bros Ultimate roster, Tracer would be his first choice.
  • Conversely, Jeff would choose Link (The Legend Of Zelda) as a playable character in Overwatch from the roster of Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
  • There is a hidden easter-egg on Overwatch referring to Jeff Kaplan's quest design on World Of Warcraft.
  • There are no vehicles planned in Overwatch 2

In this interview available here, we also learn fun little details such as the rank and the characters most played by the game director.

Patch 1.43 is available on the PTR, complete with many balance changes.

PTR Patch 1.43 is now available, and comes with many hero balance changes. It is now possible to play while waiting for matches in many game modes. Here we detail the changes.

Millenium Rédaction

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