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Fire Emblem Three Houses: Presentation of Balthus, a new character from Ashen Wolves

Fire Emblem Three Houses: all you need for the game
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Presentation of Balthus, a new character from Ashen Wolves

The various students from Ashen Wolves, on the Fire Emblem Three Houses' Cindered Shadows expansion on Switch, have their presentation, like their predecessors. Get to know Balthus, the new bully.

Fire Emblem Three Houses: Presentation of Balthus, a new character from Ashen Wolves

We continue our presentation of the characters that arrive with the 4th DLC of Fire Emblem Three Houses. There are 4 of them to be part of the Ashen Wolves House in Cindered Shadows. Each one with its particularities. After meeting Yuri and Constance, it's the turn of Balthus, who may replace poor Raphael in many teams.

General Information

Biography: Unknown

Age: 26 years old

Ability: Unknown

Recruitment: Obtained during the secondary history of the Cindered Shadows. When it is completed, it can be recruited in the main campaigns, but we still don't know when or how.

Emblem: Knight Major

Starting class: Noble

Romance: It will probably be possible to reach an S rank with the female version of Byleth, but this is to be confirmed.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Relationships & romance

  • Supports: Byleth, Yuri, Constance, Hapi.
  • Favourite teas: Unknown
  • Lost Items: Unknown
  • Possible gifts: Owl feathers
  • Hobbies: Unknown
The ultimate tea party guide in Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Sometimes, having a conversation over a cup of tea is more difficult than saving the world with tactical battles. Don't worry! We have battle plan to conquer your interlocutors and win their hearts (and charm) on FE3H.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager