Fire Emblem Three Houses: all you need for the game
Fire Emblem Three Houses: which house should you pick?

As is often the case in Fire Emblem, you will have to choose a side. Discover the noble houses of the Officers' Academy, the Black Eagles, the Blue Lions and the Golden Deer (fortunately there is no Slytherin), their bonuses, specificities and the characters who are affiliated with them.

Fire Emblem Three Houses: which house should you pick?

As its name suggests, Fire Emblem Three Houses will offer you a choice of 3 noble houses, each at the head of its own territory and an army. As expected, they also have their own history, and a different representative at the Officers' Academy, each member of which appears on the game box. As a new teacher, you will be offered the opportunity to freely choose one of these 3 houses, which is better than putting on a hat.

Fódlan - Fire Emblem Three Houses

At the beginning of the game, the 3 houses are at peace, but it seems that a war will sooner or later break out between them. Choosing a house will have serious implications for the story and the end of the game, but it will also have immediate consequences, as it will determine who your students will be. Since each house has one or two specializations, the profile of students is affected and they often favour archetypes specific to their house.

  • Some students can be recruited into your class, regardless of the house you choose. However, it will be necessary to achieve a certain level of talent and fairly high statistics in the areas appreciated by this student.
  • Any romances will occur in the second part of the game, 5 years after the section that takes place at the academy. Some characters, including the leader of each house, are only possible romances in the way of their house.
  • We accompany each sheet with a subjective opinion on each house, forged by our realization of all the roads of the game. It is obvious that you can choose the house you prefer, especially if you prefer its students.
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager