Fire Emblem Three Houses: all you need for the game
Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC: Cindered Shadows release date

If you purchased the Expansion Pass for the latest Fire Emblem title on Nintendo Switch, you can now discover the Abyss. This new DLC includes a side story, the House of Ashen Wolves, new classes, new characters, and more.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC: Cindered Shadows release date

As of February 13, the new Expansion Pass content for Fire Emblem Three Houses is now available.Titled Cindered Shadows, this DLC offers a lot of new features.

It adds a secondary story, to be selected from the game's main menu, and is played as an independent game with its own save files.

As you complete this new adventure, students from the House of Ashen Wolves will be able to be recruited from the main campaign: Yuri, Balthus, Constance and Hapi.

Your other students and teachers will then be able to choose the new classes.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC: Explore the Abyss in Cindered Shadows

There will be a lot to do in the new Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC, which comes with the Expansion Pass. You'll be able to make gifts, strengthen your relationships, and explore a mysterious new location. Here is all you need to know about the Cindered Shadows expansion.

Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Journalist & project manager