Just like Freetem, you can earn money by selling your temtem to an another player. Here is a guide that will allow you to know the price of a temtem and the different elements that are taken into consideration for its price.
Just like Freetem, you can sell your Temtem to your friends or others. However, there are some conditions to be taken into consideration to make sure you buy or sell a temtem at the right price. The price of your temtem can vary according to different elements in Temtem :
Its rarity
Its perfect SVs, which are at 50
Its Luma aspect or not
Its Traits
We will explain each of the sales criteria in more detail so that you can better understand the right price for a Temtem.
Explanation of the price variability
If you still don't know it, temtem each have levels of rarity. The level of rarity is found in the % of encounter rate in tall grass, caves, water and more. So a temtem that has only a 5% encounter rate like Oceara will cost much more than a Pigepig that has a 95% encounter rate depending on the area. So-called rare temtems are more expensive!
Single Values are values specific to your temtem. They range from 0 to 50 and you cannot change them. They are therefore the general statistics of your temtems: life point, stamina, attack speed, attack, defense, etc.. Since they are not modifiable like TVs (Training Values), they are rarer and allow you to determine if your temtem is good or not. For the sale of Temtem, the more SV you have at 50, the more your temtem will take value. You can affect SV by breeding Temtem.
Example of SVs statistics
Just like rare temtem, if he is Luma, he will logically have much more value. The hunt for Lumas is an experience that many Tamers attempt. However, it turns out that it's a practice that takes a long time to get a Luma temtem. For sale, SVs are not taken into account! Only its luma form and sometimes its Traits are important. A luma will always have 3 perfect SVs so that's why is so expensive.
Each temtem has Traits that can be either bonuses or penalties for the team. Some traits are really exceptional, such as regeneration or increased defense on certain types. It's therefore undeniable to see the price of a temtem vary if it has a beneficial trait or a disabling trait.
The most expensive Temtem
In this guide, we are going to offer you the most expensive temtems on the market! However, if you wish to know the totality of the selling prices of the temtems, we invite you to read this usefull website.
On this table, 1 SV / 2 SV ... Corresponds to the number of SV at level 50.
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