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FFXIV Make It Rain Campaign 2020 Event Guide and Rewards

FFXIV Make It Rain Campaign 2020 Event Guide and Rewards

The Make It Rain 2020 Campaign Event is underway in FFXIV Gold Saucer and here's our guide on how to participate and get the exclusive rewards including the Consider Emote

FFXIV Make It Rain Campaign 2020 Event Guide and Rewards

The Make It Rain Campaign event is back in 2020 in Final Fantasy XIV and here is everything you need to know about the event and how to get the exclusive rewards!

The event started today at 1 am (PDT) and will be accessible until November 20 at 6:59 am (PST).

FFXIV The Make It Rain Campaign Event Guide

The event will start with the quest called "Caught Shorthanded" that you can accept by talking to Nanaphon in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald (X: 9.4 Y: 9.2) just in front of the main Aetherythe.

FFXIV Make it Rain 2020 Caught Shorthanded - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Make it Rain 2020 Caught Shorthanded

The quest will then unfold as follow:

  • Players will need to go in the Gold Saucer and talk to the required NPC(s)
  • Talk to specific NPCs for each main hall of the Gold Saucer
  • Enter a cutscene where you need to guide characters to a specific game

In this last part, the answer you give seems to not be important, I randomly chose and still manage to finish the quest first try, even with the NPCs not being completely convinced by my choices.

Once done you will be able to get you exclusive rewards: A 5,000 MGP coupon and the Consider Emote. You will also be able to get a repeatable quest that comes with a 100 MGP coupon reward.

FFXIV The Make It Rain Campaign 2020 Event Rewards

FFXIV Make it Rain Campaign MGP Coupon - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Make it Rain Campaign MGP Coupon
FFXIV Consider Emote - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Consider Emote
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!