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FFXIV: How to get Bitter Memory of the Dying Quickly Guide

FFXIV: How to get Bitter Memory of the Dying Quickly Guide

To upgrade your Resistance Weapon in FFXIV 5.35 you will need to farm six Bitter Memory of the Dying and here's how to do it quickly

FFXIV: How to get Bitter Memory of the Dying Quickly Guide

The Bozjan Southern Front arrived last week in Final Fantasy XIV and there's a lot to do in Patch 5.35.

Warriors of Light can now upgrade their Resistance Weapons Relics and the second step of this upgrade will ask you to get six Bitter Memory of Dying.

Players will first need to take the quest called "The Will to Resist" from Zlatan in Gangos (X: 6.1 Y: 4.9) and keep it active for the entire duration of the process.

The Bitter Memory of the Dying can be obtained in both the Bozjan Southern Front or by clearing dungeons and the latter is the way to go if you're looking to finish your relic quickly.

In order to farm those six memories, the fastest technique is to join the Antitower dungeon (synced, unsync will not drop the item) and to clear the dungeon.

The Antitower benefits from being really quick to clear as you often just melt the bosses away making it (from what I know) one of, if not the fastest way of farming the six Bitter Memory of Dying.

You will get one Bitter Memory of the Dying for each run, meaning that only six runs of the Antitower are needed to complete your Relic Weapon.

FFXIV Patch 5.35 Relic Weapons, Resistance Weapons Upgrade Guide

With Patch 5.35 the new Relic Weapons upgrades are now available in Final Fantasy XIV. Here's how to get the Memory of the Dying and upgrade your Resistance Weapons.

FFXIV: What is the Quickest way to get Memories of the Dying

If you are looking to upgrade your relic after Patch 5.35 of FFXIV here is the quickest way to farm the sixty Memory of the Dying

Julien bxakid

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