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Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Soluce, missions, history, medals

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Soluce, missions, history, medals

The history of RDR2 is very long: here is a list of all the missions and the conditions required to obtain the medals. We also offer you some tips to validate them more easily. This article is likely to get new updates.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Soluce, missions, history, medals

It takes between forty and sixty hours to complete the Red Dead Redemption 2 story, the missions are not excessively difficult, and the ability to load the last saving point avoids major time losses. With a good supply of food and ammunition as well as adapted weapons, this should generally move to the first or second test in most cases. However, validating all the medals will require very strong efforts and a good level of gameplay.

There are a total of 104 gold medals, and you need 70 of them to validate the corresponding Trophy, which allows you to ignore 34 medals that you find difficult or too difficult to collect.

To obtain a gold medal, you will have to validate all the objectives of a mission from the History mode. There are between one and three objectives in general, but it can be more. The good news is that you can restart missions already completed at will, so you don't risk missing a medal. However, ALL mission objectives must be validated at the same time. You cannot repeat the mission several times and focus on validating only one objective at a time. All of them will have to be re-validated at the same time and each time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to track the progress of the different objectives during a mission, which can be frustrating for the longer ones.

In the meantime, here are some tips to help you validate as many medals as possible.

You're going to have a hard time, Arthur. - Red Dead Redemption 2
You're going to have a hard time, Arthur.

General objectives

Limited time: Very common, this objective will force you to sprint and hurry as much as possible all the time. It also sometimes involves fighting in a very aggressive way and therefore running openly doing one head shot after an other to validate certain particularly tight times. It will therefore be necessary to make intensive use of tonics and Dead Eye. In some cases, you may also try to ignore the fighting and simply run towards the objective.

Head shots: Probably the most common objective. Setting the automatic sight to "wide" and then moving the sight slightly over enemies will often allow you to make head-shots easily. Once again, use Dead Eye if necessary. Please note that your teammates will complicate the validation of this type of objective (and others) by killing enemies. It will therefore be necessary to be fast and aggressive.

Do not use healing items: Another common objective, which will require you to be either very good or very careful. When not combined with a time limit, take cover and show your head only to shoot quickly. You can take time to blow behind an obstacle or let one of your teammates kill the enemies while you regenerate your life, if this does not deprive you of another mission objective.

Accuracy: As you will have to get into the habit of doing head-shots, your accuracy will not be too bad, especially with automatic aiming. It is advisable to take your time and not shoot when you are not sure if you will hit your target or not.

The 15 headshots on horseback during a chase race medal, a feat you will have to repeat. - Red Dead Redemption 2
The 15 headshots on horseback during a chase race medal, a feat you will have to repeat.

How to validate medals more easily?

Here is an answer worthy of Captain Obvious: by becoming more powerful. There are many avenues to explore, some less obvious than others. Discover here a short list of solutions to explore.

  • Have an excellent horse, and strengthen your bond with him, which will allow him to gallop long distances quicker.
  • Having high level cores will give you more Life, more Energy and a longer Dead Eye.
  • Create many talismans that will improve many aspects of your character.
  • Validating many challenges will also allow you to significantly improve your cores and obtain high quality equipment.
  • Obtain and customize excellent weapons.
  • Create special ammunition and instruments with improved performance thanks to the craft Industry.
  • Improve the camp so that you can then improve your character.
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