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Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Best Horses, Tier-List

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Best Horses, Tier-List

Many horse species are available in RDR2 and the best horses in the game will either cost you a lot of money or ask you for some tips. Stop everything you are doing! Here is our Tier-List of the best horses (and we still don't believe in what we are writing).

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Best Horses, Tier-List

In Red Dead Redemption 2, your mount is of utmost importance and its improvement may be at the heart of your attention (we get attached very quickly). The problem is that it is very difficult to determine which horses are the best and which ones will suit your style of play best.

After having taught you how to wash or save yourself, we present you our Tier-List of the best cattle in the West! You can't stop progress...

White Arabian thoroughbred: Best value for money and availability

Contrary to popular belief, the white Arabian thoroughbred is not the "best" mount in the game. However, its accessibility from chapter 2, its beautiful white dress and its above-average statistics make it an excellent partner to cover the game's missions. Best of all, it can be recovered from the wild and will not cost you a dollar.

For us, it is undoubtedly the best horse in the game, even if its statistics are slightly lower than some of its cousins.

Red Dead Redemption 2


Health 5
Energy 5
Speed 6
Acceleration 6

Types of horses

As you may have noticed, there are different types of horses, each with their own statistics such as the much more resistant war horse, or race-type horses, to plot the road in no time.

Counting the breeds and their associated robes, we obtain more than 60 different species. We are not going to focus on all horses, that would be much too long and not necessarily very relevant. No, we will focus on the S-tiers, the best of the best, with their statistics and how to get them.


As mentioned, only the best horses in the game are indicated here, an opportunity to confirm that the white thoroughbred is the best thanks to its wild state which makes it tamable from the very first hours. The rest of the leading pack is driven by race animals, but available too late or at much too high a price. We'll let you judge.

  • Value scale: Each statistic goes up to a maximum of 7 points.
Arabian thoroughbred

Color: Grey bay

Obtained: Blackwater stable during the Epilogue ($1250).

Type: Superior

Health 7
Energy 7
Speed 6
Acceleration 6
Arabian thoroughbred

Color: Black

Obtained: Saint-Denis stable in Chapter 4 ($1050).

Type: Superior

Health 6
Energy 6
Speed 6
Acceleration 6

Color: Golden

Obtained: Blackwater stable during the Epiloque ($925).

Type: Versatile race / war

Health 7
Energy 5
Speed 6
Acceleration 5

Color: Brown Bay

Obtained: Blackwater stable during the Epilogue ($950)

Type: Versatile race/war

Health 7
Energy 5
Speed 6
Acceleration 5
Missouri Fox Trotter

Color: Silver pinto with spice

Obtained: Blackwater stable during the Epilogue ($950).

Type: Versatile race / war

Health 5
Energy 6
Speed 7
Acceleration 5
Missouri Fox Trotter

Color: Amber Champagne

Obtained: Scarlett Meadows Stable in Chapter 4 ($950)

Type: Versatile stroke/labour

Health 5
Energy 6
Speed 7
Acceleration 5

From a purely statistical point of view, the grey bay thoroughbred Arabian horse is the best horse in RDR2. However, its price exceeding 1000$ and its availability at the very end of the game make it a complete player's mount: to go in search of the game's many collectibles like dinosaur bones or dream catchers in end-game, it is with him that you will be the most peaceful.

On the other hand, if you simply want a very good horse for the second part of the game and you don't want to go and capture the white one, opt for the sublime black Arabian thoroughbred, available in chapter 4 for the pretty price of 1050$.

Written by Bastien "Lloyd" Dubosq-Luyer. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction