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Red Dead Online: Patch 1.27 out now

Red Dead Online: Patch 1.27 out now

The new "Blood Money" update has arrived in Red Dead Online. It features a new "Battle Pass" system, a new type of missions and more.

Red Dead Online: Patch 1.27 out now

Rockstar Games, the developers behind Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption, continues to update Red Dead Online, one of their most played titles. Last week, we told you about “Blood Money”, the new update that was coming to the game. With the patch already released, we will go over all the featured content one more time.

Drive space required

  • PC (Steam): 1.9 GB
  • PS4: 5.6 GB
  • PS5: 21 GB

Meet Guido Martelli

The story of the DLC revolves around Guido Martelli, lieutenant to Angelo Bronte. Martelli will offer you different missions in order to acquire Capitale, a new valuable resource that is shared among criminals. By collecting a certain amount of Capitale, you will be able to access “Opportunities” (more on this below).

Source: Rockstar Games - Red Dead Redemption 2
Source: Rockstar Games


“Crimes” is the new type of mission that has arrived in this title. Martelli will ask you to complete different quests, including assaults and robberies, in which you will earn Capitale from fallen enemies and chests around the locations. Plus, these missions can be done both alone or coop with friends.

Source: Rockstar Games - Red Dead Redemption 2
Source: Rockstar Games


This is the name of the most complex missions featured in Blood Money. Each one of them will offer different ways to achieve your objective, but you will need to earn a specific number of Capitale before jumping into these. Whatsmore, right now only the first Opportunity is available. There will be two more in the near future.

Source: Rockstar Games - Red Dead Redemption 2
Source: Rockstar Games

New items

Cosmetic items that were available in previous updates of Read Dead Online will be back, like John Marston and Arthur Morgan’s outfit. Plus, the item that lets you do teletransportation to the camp will also be included.

Quick Draw Club

The new version of the "Outlaw Pass" is called "Quick Draw Club" and it features a good amount of new content. There will be 4 passes of 25 ranks each, and you will get exclusive bonus if you complete all of them.

  • Quick Draw Club 1: from July 13 to August 9
  • Quick Draw Club 2: from August 10 to September 6
  • Quick Draw Club 3: from September 7 to October 4
  • Quick Draw Club 4: October 5-27
Source: Rockstar Games - Red Dead Redemption 2
Source: Rockstar Games

Nvidia DLSS

Better frame rate and higher resolutions has also arrived with the latest patch. DLSS is the name of a technology from Nvidia that allows a great visual improvement without hurting the title’s performance.

Source: Rockstar Games - Red Dead Redemption 2
Source: Rockstar Games
Red Dead Online: Everything you need to know about the Blood Money update

Blood Money is a new expansion coming to Red Dead Online. It features a new activity called Crimes, The Quick Draw Club passes and more.

José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

La barba más cuidada de los esports y videojuegos.