If you're used to traveling around Eorzea in Final Fantasy XIV you know that teleporting to some places is not always cheap. With this guide, we'll check a way to get three cost-effective teleportations on top of the return skill.
In fact, FFXIV features a system of Favored and Free teleportation destinations. The Free destination let you teleport for free as many time as you want with no cooldown while the favored destination cut the price of tp in half.
As you can see, I have two discounted and one free teleportation. The lower price of one of the two is due to my current location.
But how can you set this up? To activate these options, simply access any Aetheryte in the game and click on either Free or Favored location.
Getting the free teleportation option is however only available if you linked your FFXIV account with a one-time password app.
If you want to learn more about the changes made to this system recently, please feel free to check out our dedicated article here.