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FFXIV: How to unlock Zhloe's Custom Deliveries Guide

FFXIV: How to unlock Zhloe's Custom Deliveries Guide

If you’re looking to get more Yellow and White scrips in Final Fantasy XIV Zhloe’s Custom Deliveries are a good option. Here is our guide on how to unlock these Deliveries.

FFXIV: How to unlock Zhloe's Custom Deliveries Guide

The custom Deliveries are a special kind of request that specific NPCs give to Final Fantasy XIV players. This system is only available for Disciples of the Hand and Disciples of The Land.

Custom Deliveries are a great way of getting both Yellow or White scrips depending on your level, be it for crafters of gatherers.

The first deliveries that you will be able to unlock are given by Zhloe Alapoh. This NPC is located in Idyllshire (X: 4.7 Y:6.8)

How to unlock Zhloe's Custom Deliveries in FFXIV

To unlock these Custom Deliveries players will first need to reach level 60 with either a crafter or a gatherer. Players will then be able to accept the quest called “Go West, Craftsman” by talking to Lydirlona in Mor Dhona (X: 22 Y:6.1) After completing this quest, players will be able to get the quest “ Arms Wide Open” from Geimlona in Idyllshire (X: 5.7 Y: 7.1). Zhloe will then give you your first deliveries.

FFXIV How to Unlock Custom Deliveries - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV How to Unlock Custom Deliveries

To complete Custom Deliveries, select a type of item that can be crafted or gathered by the class you wish to play. Keep in mind that sometime given items will have a bonus, so if you don’t mind getting less experience and only focus scrips, the bonus one are very interesting but will need you to have a larger panel of crafters or gatherers available.

This system is also a very good way of leveling a job so if you didn’t already read our guide on how to level-up your crafter and gatherers quickly here, this is another option.

Players can complete up to six Custom Deliveries per NPC per week with a maximum of 12 Deliveries all across the board per week.

Until you reached the maximum affinity with an NPC, you might only be able to give three items before having a cutscene and a reset. After reaching max, you will be able to give the same items six times and even put some glamour on some of the NPC if a Golden icon is displayed. You can check the timers of the Custom Deliveries with all the others by pressing your timers shortcut.

The list of NPC available for Custom Deliveries will increase as you progress with your gatherers and crafters. We’ll make sure to post guides for the other NPCs so please feel free to check our dedicated FFXIV portal here.

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Julien bxakid

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