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FFXIV Shadowbringers Skysteel Tool Relic Guide for Crafters

FFXIV Relics Guides
FFXIV Shadowbringers Skysteel Tool Relic Guide for Crafters

If you are looking to get your Shadowbringer Relic in Final Fantasy XIV for your crafters this guide will help you form the prototype to the Skybuilder set while farming augmentations using Oddly Specific components.

FFXIV Shadowbringers Skysteel Tool Relic Guide for Crafters

The Skysteel tools series hold some of the best tools for crafters in Final Fantasy XIV. While the Resplendent tools have been added recently with Patch 5.5 both series are close when it comes to statistic with Resplendent tools having slots for materias.

FFXIV Skysteel Crafter Tools Relic Guide

To start you Relic tool for crafter you will first need to talk to the Skysteel Engineer in Foundation (X: 14.2 Y: 12.5) with a Disciple of the Hand or Land level 80. This quest starts the series for both crafter and gatherers.

Once you accepted and completed the quest “Mislaid Plans” you will receive a Skysteel Prototype Coffer that will drop a prototype for the class you’re currently playing.

NOTE: You can buy more prototypes from Dennys in the Skysteel Manufactory (X:8 Y: 10.1)

FFXIV Skysteel Tool +1 Upgrade

For the first upgrade players will need to use their crafting logs to craft 20 oddly specific items. The materials for those crafts are divided in two categories and can be obtained as follow:

  • Oddly specific materials can be exchanged for Crafters Scrips
  • Classic materials can be gathered as per usual.

Both materials can also be purchased from the market board.

Once you have crafted the 20 items, Dennys will upgrade your tool to +1

FFXIV Dragonsung Tool Upgrade

This step is just like the previous one and will this time ask you to craft 30 items using both classic and Oddly Specific materials.

Once again, talk to Dennys with the finished prodcuts to get your own Dragonsung tool.

FFXIV Augmented Dragonsung Upgrade

From now on things will be different as you will need to craft Collectables to upgrade your relic. This step will ask for 90 Gobbiegoo that are obtained according to how well your craft collectability is:

  • For 2000 to 2999 you’ll get two Gobbiegoo
  • For 3000 to 3999 you’ll get three Gobbiegoo
  • For more than 4000 you’ll get five Gobbiegoo

Meaning that if you manage to craft everything with 4k+ collectability this step will only take 18 crafts.

This is easily doable with a pentamelded crafter gear. Don’t be afraid to invest in pentamelding your equipment as it will be necessary for a swift completion of the last step of the relic.

FFXIV Skysung Tool Upgrade

Just like last step you will need to complete collectables crafts to obtain a total of 105 Highly Viscous Gobbiegoo for your upgrade. This time the collectable charts goes as follow:

  • For 3000 to 3799 you’ll get two Gobbiegoo
  • For 3800 to 4599 you’ll get three Gobbiegoo
  • For more than 4600 you’ll get five Gobbiegoo
FFXIV Guide: How to farm Materia for crafters quickly

Materias are crucial in FFXIV as they're needed to upgrade your equipment and get better stats — be it for crafting, gathering or fighting bosses. Here is our guide on how to farm materia for your crafters and gatherers.

FFXIV Skybuilder’ Tools Upgrade Guide — Ilvl 510

This step might be the hardest if you’re not used to crafting or not familiar with expert recipes. In fact you will once again need to craft collectables but with expert recipes this time. Completing this quest will need you to have your 490 crafter gear pentamelded, to use food and potions as 60 collectables will be needed.

The materials are once more exchanged for crafters Scrips but also gathered in the diadem.

The Collectability chart is the following:

  • For 2500 to 4499 you’ll get one Oddly Delicate Part
  • For 4500 to 6499 you’ll get two Oddly Delicate Part
  • For more than 6500 you’ll get three Oddly Delicate Part

Once the 60 items brought back your relic is finished !

We’ll make sure to write more guides including the relic tools for gatherers soon so please feel free to check our FFXIV portal here.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!