Subtitled the Harmless Sweetie, Sucrose is now available in Genshin Impact.
A catalyst wielder, she is aligned with the Anemo element. She's a fantastic support who can group up enemies for mass devastation and boost your team's Elemental Mastery significantly.
You can get Sucrose from the Wanderlust Invocation banner.
The best weapons for Sucrose in Genshin Impact
Given how much you'll want to proc Sucrose's Elemental Skill, the ideal weapon is Sacrificial Fragments, which has a chance to reset the cooldown of the skill.
An alternative option is the Mappa Mare catalyst, which ramps up Elemental DMG after a reaction is triggered.
The best Artifacts for Sucrose in Genshin Impact
There's only one artifact set that's best for Sucrose - the Viridescent Venerer set with Anemo synergy. Not only will it increase your Anemo DMG by 15%, it'll also increase Swirl DMG and reduce enemies' RES.
Using different elemental swirls with your other characters is key to playing Sucrose well, so you absolutely want to take advantage of anything that boosts your output.
If you don't have this set, the commonly-available Instructor set is good for boosting Elemental Mastery.
Talent and Constellation priority for Sucrose in Genshin Impact
Make sure you max out your Forbidden Creation - Isomer 75 / Type II Elemental Burst first, as this is your main source of supporting your team. Using this then switching out for another element is key to making the burst work best.
Then, level up your Astable Anemohypostasis Creation - 6308 Elemental Skill, as you'll want to use this as much as possible for crowd control.
Constellation-wise, Clustered Vacuum Field (C1) will allow for more charges of your Elemental Skill, while Chaotic Energy (C6) ramps up Elemental DMG Bonus for all party members for the element triggered.
The best stat priority and substat priority for Sucrose in Genshin Impact
Given you want to maxmise the Swirl DMG, go for Elemental Mastery and Energy Recharge.
Stat Priority
- Elemental Mastery
- Energy Recharge
- Anemo DMG Bonus
Substat Priority
- Elemental Mastery
- Energy Recharge