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FFXIV Pandaemonium Third Circle: Phoinix Normal Guide

FFXIV Raids and Alliance Raids
FFXIV Pandaemonium Third Circle: Phoinix Normal Guide

Phoinix is the third raid of the Pandaemonium and here is our complete guide for the mechanics and how to beat it.

FFXIV Pandaemonium Third Circle: Phoinix Normal Guide

The first four raids of Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker called the Circles are now available. These raids will be available in Normal and Savage difficulty and loot tokens, gear, and even minions and Orchestrion Rolls. This guide will focus on the normal version of this raid.

If you haven't unlocked them yet, here is our guide on how to get access to the Pandaemonium raids:

Here's how to unlock the Pandaemonium raids in Patch 6.01 of FFXIV

The Pandaemonium raids are the endgame raids from Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. The twelve bosses are divided into three chapters starting with Asphodelos and here's our guide on how to unlock all Pandaemonium raids.

FFXIV — Phoinix Guide

The normal difficulty of this fight isn't hard once you know each mechanic as they aren't linked one with another as much as in Savage mode and here's the list of what the boss can do:

  • The boss will start with AOEs, if at the end of the cast you see:
    • One orb → Go far from the boss
    • Multiple orbs → Turn around while avoiding the AOEs
  • You will then need to mitigate and heal an AOE
  • Double tank buster → Mitigate accordingly
  • Four dark flames will spawn → Each player with an AOE will need to go on a flame
  • The boss will then call which of his wing will cast an AOE → Go to the other side
  • Avoid the boss that will cross the arena
  • Four adds will spawn by waves of two. The tanks will need to separate them as they'll drop AOEs and they need to be far from each other
  • Four adds will spawn again and start an AOE in front of them in a sequence → Head to the second AOE and then move to the safe zone
  • The arena will then be cut in four with an AOE that will spread a bit so be careful and don't hesitate to drop some uptime to avoid a vulnerability stack.
  • The boss will then cast the same mechanics again and again while adding some you've already seen on top of the others before dying.

If you need a video example of the kill here is (in french) the video of my first blind kill on the boss:

FFXIV Pandaemonium Raid 3 Kill

Everything about FFXIV Endwalker

Endwalker is the new expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, released on December 3rd. We'll do our best to cover all the new stuff and produce any guides you may need during the expansion, you can also take advantage of our many guides on content already available here.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!