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Get a shiny for free in Pokémon Legends Arceus!

Get a shiny for free in Pokémon Legends Arceus!

Thanks to one of the side quests in Pokémon Legends Arceus, you will be able to obtain your first shiny Pokémon easily.

Legends Pokémon Arceus is finally available since this Friday, January 28, 2022 and it is not uncommon for multiple players to randomly stumble upon shiny in the wild. If the rate is still 1 chance in 4096 , this can be improved by completing your Pokédex Tasks (level 10) for each Pokémon. Other techniques obviously exist but we will come back to them in a guide dedicated to shiny hunting.

In the meantime, know that it is possible to obtain a shiny Pokémon via a secondary quest in the game. This therefore gives all players a chance to have a shiny by their side and this very early in the game. adventure. Beware of spoilers in this article.

What is the quest to get the shiny ponyta?

This is side mission 19 that you will need to unlock in order to get your shiny Ponyta . To do this, go to the laboratory within the Galaxie HQ. Check the chalk board to accept it.

  • Mission Name : A Peculiar Ponyta
  • Objective : Talk to Yota who is not far from bridge in Jubilife Village.
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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!