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How to unlock the Chasm and break the bedrock keys in Genshin Impact 2.6

How to unlock the Chasm and break the bedrock keys in Genshin Impact 2.6

The new update 2.6 for Genshin Impact was released yesterday and here's everything about unlocking the Chasm and the related quest.

With Genshin Impact version 2.6, the Chasm is now available and here's how to unlock it!

Unlock the quest "The Chasm Charters"

First, we will see how to access this quest. As we said above, you have to have reached a certain level in the story. To guide you on the subject, here are the conditions to be respected in order to be able to do so.

  • Unlock Chapter II Act IV of the Archons quest.
  • Finish the quest called "Requiem of the Echoing Depths" which is the start of this new act.
Genshin Impact

The first step of this quest is going to be to get a Lumen Stone in the warehouse located south of your position. Get ready to face Raiders who will come and take you by surprise, but don't worry, they're not that bad. Once they've been beaten, collect the Lumen Stone Adjuvant and go to Zhiqiong.

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Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Now is the time to break that seal blocking your entrance to the lower part of the Chasm. To do this, you will need to destroy five Substratum Keys . Don't panic, it will be quite easy.

Destroy the first key

To start, you need to take care of the first key that is near you. This is an opportunity for you to discover one of the new mechanics offered by this area. Moreover, we will take the opportunity to warn you that a Geo character like Zhongli or Ningguang will be very strongly recommended to do this quest. Now let's look at how to break this floating structure.

The first is next to the famous floating form to be destroyed and the second is a little higher on one of the rocks.

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Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Once this mission is successful, go back to Zhiqiong who will give you the rest of the operations and as you can imagine, you will have to destroy other substrate keys. So the NPC gives you a map showing three locations where you will find keys. You have to go there to destroy them. Note that the order doesn't matter and the locations will be put on your map even if you don't have access to the Chasm Seven Statue. In case it isn't, here are their locations directly.

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Genshin Impact

Let's move on to our next goal. The order does not matter so it is possible that our second key is not for you and vice versa. In any case, they will all have to be destroyed.

Destroy the second bedrock key

In our case, we will start with the one at the top. Once there, you will notice that it is located high up and if you use the Coalescence which is at the bottom, nothing will happen. This is normal because unlike the first, you have to shoot in a certain order. Don't worry, it won't be very complicated since the objective is to bring it down, you just have to shoot from top to bottom. Normally, coalescences are not hard to find for this key. Just climb the cliffs on the sides. Don't forget that you can have a flow of energy letting you know where they are.

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Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Destroy the third key

The third key is not much more complicated than the second. You just have to watch out for monsters lurking around that can be annoying. The advantage of this one compared to the second is that you will arrive quite easily from the top and therefore you will see the coalescences rather easily. In case you have trouble, you can find them in the images below.

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Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Destroy the fourth key

The fourth key is the hardest to destroy since the only coalescence available on the ground is the one in the ruined building and which is the last one to use. For the others, you will have to use the elevators to activate them. The first to activate is at the top, look towards the sky, you should see it quite easily and the same for the second which is widely visible. Be careful though because the elevator is taken at the very top for the first while it is in the intermediate stratum that that of the second will be. For the third, nothing too complicated since it is on the ground, just tap on it in the direction of the key and you're done.

Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact

Destroy the fifth key

Once this fourth structure is destroyed, go back to talk to Zhiqiong to tell him that you have finished destroying the keys except that there is an ultimate one that has not yet been found. Now that you have his location, go ahead. Take the opportunity to climb to the top of the cliff and unlock the Statue of the Seven in the area. To find the last substranum key, follow the path down that will lead you to a mine entrance. This is where you will come in. Here, there is no need to look for coalescences, they are both in front of you.

Watch out for the Geosaurs that will come and attack you once, that you will go near the second. Once this is destroyed, the seal will be broken and you will have a dialogue scene that will lead you to the end of this quest. You will now have to explore the depths of the Chasm, but that is another story.

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Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact
Here is the new Redeem Code for Genshin Impact 2.6

Even if you're tempted to discover the Chasm, the new location in Genshin Impact's 2.6 update, don't forget to grab this gift code offering primogems!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!