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How to get all the New Triple Triad Cards in FFXIV 6.1

How to get all the New Triple Triad Cards in FFXIV 6.1

From the Daivadipa to the Rhalgar and Endsinger Cards here is how you can farm all the Triple Triad cards introduced in Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV.

How to get all the New Triple Triad Cards in FFXIV 6.1

Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV introduced more Triple Triad Cards in Endwalker and getting some of them could be tricky. Here is our guide on how to get those new cards.

FFXIV 6.1 New Triple Triad Cards Unlock

Here is the complete list of all the new cards and where to get them or how to buy them when possible.

  • Chi is pruchased for 300 Bicolor Gemstones in Ultima Thule
  • Daivadipa is pruchased for 300 Bicolor Gemstones in Thavnair
  • Endsinger is pruchased for 72 000 MGP in the Gold Saucer
  • Thal is pruchased for 24 800 MGP in the Gold Saucer
  • Nald is obtained during the New Aglaia Alliance Raid
  • Rampart is obtained during the Alzadaal's Legacy dungeon
  • Rhalgar is obtained by winning a duel in Saint Coinach's Find
  • Azyma is obtained by winning a duel in Saint Coinach's Find

Some of these cards will require progression in the story and relevant duties so please keep that in mind when looking for them.

Everything about FFXIV Endwalker

Endwalker is the new expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, released on December 3rd. We'll do our best to cover all the new stuff and produce any guides you may need during the expansion, you can also take advantage of our many guides on content already available here.

How to get the Bluefeather Lynx Mount in FFXIV

The Bluefeather Lynx Flute is one of Final Fantasy XIV new drop unlocking a shiny mount and here's our guide on how to unlock it.

How to get Exciting Fiber to craft the Varsity Set in FFXIV

The Exciting Fiber is a new material introduced in Patch 6.1 of Final Fantasy XIV and is used to craft the Varsity Jacket, Varsity Flat Cap and Skirt for example. Here is our guide on how to get it.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!