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Solo V Rising: Our tips for surviving as a solitary vampire

Solo V Rising: Our tips for surviving as a solitary vampire

We give you all the keys to survive solo on V Rising, with a new batch of tips that should set the tone and clarify some initial objectives. Between gameplay and farm optimization, how to play the lone wolf on the survival of the creators of Battlerite.

V Rising is designed and balanced around squads of up to 4 players, however if you want to dive into the vampiric sandbox of Stunlock solo, that's also possible . We don't recommend it, but the game is still quite playable, with bosses with synchronized difficulty especially for that. Let's see together how to enjoy the content in this specific game mode.

No offline mode yet

It should happen very soon according to Stunlock, but currently there is no offline mode in V Rising. If you plan to play alone, you will still have to create a private server to enjoy the title of Stunlock. A "single player only" box is checked when you create your private server and as far as we can tell, we haven't had any major connection issues so far.

Is playing solo a good idea?

To see what the game offers, why not, however V Rising is a title designed above all for coop and multiplayer. It should jump out at you after a few dozen hours of play, but the map is also designed to strongly encourage PVP. Once the discovery has passed and the mechanics of the first 5 hours have been assimilated, you will have a good foundation to leave faster and stronger on other servers , but we cannot recommend too much that you find some fellow vampires to take full advantage of this what the game has to offer.

Know the good farming spots

The hotspots of each big zone are placed in their center, or at least this is the case for the two huge copper and iron mines of the first biomes . Knowing your spots for each key resource in the game will be beneficial for your solo farm. Later, you can even consider farming routes, then count on an army of servants that you will send to hunt resources for you continuously. There are plenty of ways to speed up the pace of farming in the game, so we recommend that you craft all workbenches as soon as they arrive in your inventory .

Tread carefully, use vampiric forms well

What will especially cause you problems in the fights of V Rising while playing alone, it is the excess. The game requires you to really anticipate the movements of the opposing troops and some bosses don't hesitate to regularly summon a lot of trashmobs . There's a good side to this: after eating a few oats without being able to get picked up by another vampire, you will be pushed to be more careful and therefore, by extension, to play better. Do not hesitate to experiment and above all train yourself to adapt well to the gameplay of the game, less hack & slash than it seems .

Optimized construction

As soon as you reach level 2 of the heart of the castle by completing the first dozen quests, your building possibilities will increase. In solo, taking into account the specificities of each workbench and each floor will be all the more important: the castle room bonuses will reduce costs and speed up production, for example. When the time comes to build your main lair, take the time to study which workbench goes in which room, you will also need to have unlocked the different floors in the research office, thanks to the papers and books.

V Rising in the footsteps of Valheim? Steam counters are going crazy!

V Rising is a huge success and its progress in the rankings around the world seems far from stopping! Like Valheim, the game from Stunlock studios marks the genre of survival/sandbox thanks to its bite.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!