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Genshin Impact: Hu Tao build, weapons and artifact sets

Genshin Impact: Hu Tao build, weapons and artifact sets

If you're looking to power-up your Hu Tao here is our complete guide from artifacts to weapons.

Since the release of Genshin Impact version 1.3, spearmen have been in the spotlight. Whether it's Xiao or Hu Tao, which is the subject of our guide for the day, each of them is here to hit hard.

The 77th Director of Funerarium Wangsheng has the particularity of depending on her HP to make the most of her range of attacks. The notions of max PV and current PV are to be carefully differentiated to optimize her gameplay!

Indeed, her elemental skill at level 1 gives him a bonus of 3.84% of his max HP in attack bonus, but you have to sacrifice 30% of your current HP. Additionally, the damage changes to Pyro damage, hence the usefulness of a Crimson Witch of Flames set to increase the damage. By using charged attacks,you'll be able to apply a pyro dot. The effect is not very powerful at first sight but it can become more interesting if you ever have the second constellation of Hu Tao which increases the damage of the dot to up to 10% of your maximum HP.

Her elemental burst allows her to deal Pyro damage equal to 303% of her attack to up to 5 enemies. She also regenerates a certain amount of HP based on enemies hit and her max HP. The damage inflicted as well as the regeneration are greater if the HP is below 50%. Note also the cost of 60 for this burst with a 15 second cooldown. The cost is rather low compared to the skills of the majority of characters, especially if you manage to get particles quite easily.

Recommended weapons

Staff of Homa

5 Star Polearm

Base ATK: 46

Secondary Stat: Crit Damage

Obtain: Wishes

HP increased by 20~40%. Additionally, provides an ATK Bonus based on 0.8~1.6% of the wielder's Max HP. When the wielder's HP is less than 50%, this ATK bonus is increased by an additional 1~1.8% of Max HP.

Primordial Jade Winged-Spear

5 Star Polearm

Base ATK: 48

Secondary Stat: Crit Rate

Obtain: Wishes

On hit, increases ATK by 3.2~6.0% for 6s. Max 7 stacks. This effect can only occur once every 0.3s. While in possession of the maximum possible stacks, DMG dealt is increased by 12~24%.


4 Star Polearm

Base ATK: 41

Secondary Stat: Crit Rate

Obtain: Battle Pass

If there are at least 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 16~32% and DEF is increased by 16~32%. If there are fewer than 2 opponents nearby, ATK is increased by 24~48%.


Crimson Witch of Flames

2 pieces equipped : Increases Pyro damage by 15%.

4 pieces equipped : Increases damage dealt by Overload and Burn by 40%. Those of Evaporation and Melting are also up to 15%. Elemental skill increases the effect of the 2-piece set by 50%; This effect can be stacked up to 3 times.

Noblesse Oblige

2 pieces equipped : Increases damage done by Elemental Unleash by 20%.

4 pieces equipped : Increases the attack of all characters on the team by 20% for 12 seconds after an elemental unleash. This effect does not stack.

Gladiator's Finale

2 pieces equipped : Increases attack by 18%.

4 pieces equipped: Increases damage dealt by normal attacks by 35% when this artifact set is equipped by characters wielding a sword, greatsword, or polearm.

To play alongside:


Hu Tao forms a very good duo with Bennett for a team based on Pyro DPS. Indeed, Bennett's burst boosts or heals Hu Tao while inflicting damage while the latter can boost her CRIT rate. Additionally, having both on your team activates Pyro Resonance which increases your attack by 25%.


Xinqiu is a good support for Hu Tao allowing him to benefit from time to time from the Evaporation reaction ( Pyro + Hydro ) but also from additional damage reduction via his E. In addition, this can heal your Hu Tao thanks to the passive when a sword breaks. Enough to heal you without necessarily losing the Pyro damage bonus.

Of course, these characters are only examples and do not constitute all the playable characters with Hu Tao but just a small representation of what you can do. Your imagination will allow you to create your own teams and test according to your preferences.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!