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God of War Ragnarok Treasure Maps, Svartalfheim: Location of buried treasures, where to find them?

God of War Ragnarok Treasure Maps, Svartalfheim: Location of buried treasures, where to find them?

Each of Ragnarok's main realms includes several hidden treasures that Kratos and Atreus are eager to discover. Discover the list of treasures in the kingdom of the dwarves, as well as their position, in this guide, with a screenshot of the place, and a map.

God of War Ragnarök includes a lot of side activities, in order to fill your pockets without necessarily having to rub shoulders with a big, furious boss. In this area, the buried treasures are quite interesting, even if you still have to take the time to explore, or even re-explore the map. We'll save you some time, starting with the kingdom of Svartalfheim.

How to find buried treasures?

  • The first step is to find the corresponding treasure map, which is usually not very difficult. Without the map, even passing over the place where the treasure is buried, you will not detect anything.
  • The second step is to open the objective menu, with the touchpad, at least, if you intend to guess for yourself the place where the treasure is hidden. The image and text are usually suggestive enough, to know roughly where to look. You can also help yourself from the general map, since the buried treasures are listed in the corresponding sub-areas.
  • Once in the right area, finding the treasure is usually easy, since a golden light will shine intermittently.
  • Treasures usually contain different crafting components, as well as an enchantment for the Amulet of Yggdrasil.


There are three treasures to discover in this realm, but the maps are in inaccessible places during your first visit. You have to wait to return to the region, within the framework of the story, in order to be able to unlock everything.

stranded beast

This first treasure is very easy to find with such a clue: you have to find a dragon skeleton in the area. It's not like there are dozens of them.

God of War: Ragnarok

Go to Dragon's Strike, east of Booty Bay. You have to land on the beach, then look near the hot springs, to the right of the area.

God of War: Ragnarok
God of War: Ragnarok

fruits of labor

The map is obtained after finishing crossing the secret area, east of the Loot Bay: Aberich's Abyss. You need the Draupnir Spear , which will be used to scale the scaffolding in Dragonstrike.

God of War: Ragnarok
God of War: Ragnarok

The treasure is very easy to find, especially with the picture. Go to the Tower of Modvitnir, southwest of Booty Bay. He is buried on the beach.

God of War: Ragnarok
God of War: Ragnarok

mine of wealth

The treasure map is only accessible once in possession of the Lance Draupnir , much later in the story. Use it in the dwarf village, to create a support, in order to reach the legendary chest hidden high up.

God of War: Ragnarok
God of War: Ragnarok

We can not say that the clue is very subtle, the treasure is buried in the mine of the dwarves: the Core. The problem is getting back there. You have to take the barge used to escape from the mine in the company of Tyr in the opposite direction. She is near the fast travel gate at the entrance to the kingdom.

God of War: Ragnarok

Cross the beach, take the elevator down to the mine. But you are not at the end of your troubles. The treasure is hidden at the very end, not far from Sindri's forge. You can help yourself with the kind of log exploration channel, used during your first visit, in order to find the precise place.

God of War: Ragnarok
God of War: Ragnarok
Dreki God of War Ragnarok: How to beat the crocodile?

Kratos takes himself for Crocodile Dundee in Nidavellir, the Kingdom of the dwarves of God of War Ragnarok, it is rather surprising. Here's a written strategy guide with tips and tricks for defeating him on maximum difficulty, as well as a video of the fight in this mode.

Julien bxakid

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