Fire Emblem Three Houses: all you need for the game
Fire Emblem Three houses: list of characters

Here is a regularly updated summary of the heroes, students, teachers, enemies and other important characters you will have the opportunity to meet, kill or marry.

Fire Emblem Three houses: list of characters

One of the elements that make the Fire Emblem series so charming is its characters. Some are memorable and at the centre of the story, others are well hidden and very discreet, but they still find their fans in the community. With its Officers' Academy, its 3 Houses, and two separate periods, Fire Emblem Three Houses will once again put your memory to the test. Here is a first list by category, with some explanations and some context while waiting for the individual sheets.

Expect some minor spoilers in the following.

Fire Emblem Three Houses

Main character

Named Byleth by default, he is the protagonist of the story. You can choose his sex and name, but you can't change his appearance. After manifesting a mysterious power and emblem, he or she found himself or herself appointed as a professor at the Officers' Academy for one of the three houses.
It should be noted that in addition to Byleth, some characters are open to romantic relationships with both sexes.

Fire Emblem Three Houses
Fire Emblem Three Houses
Robin Bouquet
Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

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