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Pokemon Sword & Shield: Toxel evolution, Toxtricity

Pokémon Sword and Shield Walkthrough & Guide
Pokemon Sword & Shield: Toxel evolution, Toxtricity

Small Dragon of Poison and Electric types, Toxel is a Pokémon that can evolve in two different ways in Sword and Shield. Here's how to proceed.

Pokemon Sword & Shield: Toxel evolution, Toxtricity

During your adventure on Pokémon Sword and Shield, you will come across a Daycare. You will find it after winning the Grass Badge in Turffield, on Route 5.

Inside, you just have to talk to the trainer on the right and she will give you a Toxel.

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Sword and Shield

How to make Toxel evolve?

Toxel has two different shapes. These shapes are determined only by its Nature. The other condition is that your Toxel must be level 30.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Toxtricity (yellow)

Level 30

Hardy, Adamant, Brave, Docile, Lax, Impish, Naughty, Hasty, Jolly, Naive, Sassy, Quirky, Rash.

Pokémon Sword and Shield

Toxtricity (blue)

Level 30

Gentle, Lonely, Relaxed, Serious, Bold, Timid, Calm, Modest, Mild, Quiet, Bashful, Careful

Where to watch Galarian Farfetch’d and evolve to Sirfetch’d?

The method to make Galarian Farfetch’d evolve to Sirfetch’d is really very special in Pokémon Sword and Shield. This guide teaches you how to do it.

Camille Chabroud

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