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Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Origin Traits

Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Origin Traits

In order to master your opponents in Teamfight Tactics, you'll first need to master the traits. Combining Origins and Classes will increase the synergy of your team, and give you a better shot at that first place. Here's all you need to know about Origins in TFT Set 4: Fates.

Teamfight Tactics: All TFT Set 4: Fates Origin Traits

Here are all the Origin traits included in Teamfight Tactics Set 4: Fates.


Once your team loses 50% of their health, Galio is summoned, slamming into the largest cluster of enemies and knocking them up.

(3) → Tyrant Galio

(6) → Demon Lord Galio

(9) → Supreme Overlord Galio

Champions: Elise, Twisted Fate, Pyke, Evelynn, Kalista, Jhin, Aatrox, Zilean


Upon attacking six times or dropping below 50% health, Divine units ascend, taking 25% reduced damage and dealing bonus true damage for the rest of combat.

(2) → 20% Bonus True Damage

(4) → 40% Bonus True Damage

(6) → 65% Bonus True Damage

(8) → 100% Bonus True Damage

Champions: Wukong, Jax, Irelia, Lux, Warwick, Lee Sin


Dusk champions increase all allies Spell Power.

(2) → 20% Spell Power

(4) → 60% Spell Power for Dusk Champions, 20% Spell Power for all allies

(6) → 150% Spell Power for Dusk Champions, 50% Spell Power for all allies

Champions: Vayne, Thresh, Riven, Cassiopeia, Lilia


Every two seconds all Elderwood champions grow, gaining bonus stats. This effect stacks up to five times.

(3) → 20 Armor and MR, 5 AD and SP

(6) → 35 Armor and MR, 10 AD and SP

(9) → 60 Armor and MR, 25 AD and SP

Champions: Maokai, Hecarim, Lulu, Veigar, Nunu, Ashe, Ezreal


Enlightened generate more mana.

(2) → 40%

(4) → 70%

(6) → 100%

Champions: Nami, Fiora, Janna, Irelia, Morgana, Talon


If an Exile has no adjacent allies at the start of combat, they gain extra bonuses.

(1) → A shield equal to 50% of their maximum health.

(2) → The shield plus 100% Lifesteal.

Champions: Yasuo, Yone


(3) → Winning combat against a player will give bonus orbs. The longer you've gone without an orb, the bigger the payout!

Champions: Tahm Kench, Annie, Jinx, Katarina, Sejuani


(3) → At the start of combat, the lowest star-level Moonlight champion stars up until combat ends. (In the case of a tie, the champion with the most items is chosen.)

Champions: Lissandra, Diana, Aphelios, Sylas


Ninja gain bonus Attack Damage and Spell Power. This effect is only active when you have exactly 1 or 4 unique Ninjas.

(1) → +45 AD and SP

(4) → +90 AD and SP

Champions: Zed, Kennen, Akali, Shen


The first time a Spirit casts their spell, all allies gain Attack Speed based on the spell's mana cost.

(2) → 35% of mana cost

(4) → 90% of mana cost

Champions: Teemo, Yuumi, Kindred, Ahri

The Boss

When The Boss first drops to 40% health, he removes himself from combat to start doing sit-ups. Each sit-up restores 15% Health and gives him 20% Attack Speed. If he reaches full health he returns to combat Pumped Up, converting his basic attack and spell damage to True Damage. If all of his allies die, he will immediately return to combat.

Champion: Sett


Innate: After participating in three combats, Tormented are given the option to transform.

Champion: Kayn


Warlords have bonus Health and Spell Power. Each victorious combat they've participated in increases this bonus by 10%, stacking up to 5 times.

(3) → 200 HP and 20 SP

(6) → 400 HP and 40 SP

(9) → 700 HP and 70 SP

Champions: Nidalee, Garen, Jarvan IV, Vi, Xin Zhao, Katarina, Azir

Teamfight Tactics All TFT Set 4: Fates Class Traits

Two things are essential in Teamfight Tactics: Origin Traits, and Class Traits. These generate synergies that make your heroes more powerful, and mastery of these is a core part of gameplay. Here are all the class synergies that are available with TFT Set 4: Fates



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