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FFXIV Reveals Bahamut Jacket, new Dragon Mount and more

FFXIV Reveals Bahamut Jacket, new Dragon Mount and more

FFXIV Special Site update revealed a new glamour with a hat and Bahamut jacket, a new Dragon mount, and visuals of the new treasure map.

FFXIV Reveals Bahamut Jacket, new Dragon Mount and more

With patch 5.4 of Final Fantasy XIV coming on Tuesday 8, Eorzea will get a lot of new content as explained during the last Producer Liver Letter. Among all the upcoming content some new visuals, glamour, and mount were revealed this morning on the Special Site for Futures Rewritten.

FFXIV New Paint emote and Casual Outfit, Bahamut Jacket

FFXIV Casual Outifit, Bahamut Jacket 5.4 - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Casual Outifit, Bahamut Jacket 5.4

FFXIV The Shifting Oubliettes of Lyhe Ghiah Treasure Map Boss

FFXIV 5.4 Treasure map Boss - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.4 Treasure map Boss

FFXIV 5.4 New Emerald Dragon Mount

FFXIV 5.4 Dragon Mount - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.4 Dragon Mount

FFXIV 5.4 New Allagan Tomestones of Revelation Armors & Weapons

FFXIV Allagan Tomestones of Revelation gear - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Allagan Tomestones of Revelation gear

FFXIV 5.4 New Minions

FFXIV 5.4 New Minions - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.4 New Minions
FFXIV 5.4 Live Letter Part 2: Wings, Cloud of Darkness and more

In today's FF14 Live Letter, the Final Fantasy XIV team revealed more of Patch 5.4 content. This update includes details on Eden's promise Could of Darkness, Emerald Weapon, new wings, and mounts. Here is our 5.4 ffxiv Live Letter Translation.

Will FFXIV's next expansion be announced in February?

The announcement Showcase is coming for Final Fantasy XIV this February and could bring news for FFXIV 6.0 expansion

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!