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Thousands of FFXIV accounts banned for buying Gil

Thousands of FFXIV accounts banned for buying Gil

Square Enix is known for banning players using Real Money Trading in FFXIV, but they broke a new record recently with a massive wave of account termination.

Thousands of FFXIV accounts banned for buying Gil

If you are a Final Fantasy XIV fan, you will be used to the usual Real Money Trading (RMT) bans regularly posted on the Lodestone and the game's launcher.

Square Enix decided to ban thousands of accounts for both buying in-game currency or advertising it on March 4.

This time alone, 5,037 players were banned for RMT and 814 "players" for advertising it.

Most of the time these advertising accounts are only bots, spamming messages in the main cities of the game. It comes as a surprise to see so many accounts banned for RMT though.

It is well known that RMT is prohibited in FFXIV and as said before, Square Enix clearly and regularly displays how many players were banned because of that. Now with this massive ban wave, players may start to take RMT more seriously.

It is important to note that an RMT report button is available in-game by right clicking the name of a bot spamming in chat.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!