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FFXIV Patch 5.55 Notes: Zadnor & Relic Upgrade

FFXIV Patch 5.55 Notes: Zadnor & Relic Upgrade

Our comprehensive FFXIV 5.55 Patch Notes bring Resistance Weapons upgrades, Zadnor and more to Final Fantasy XIV. Check them out here!

FFXIV Patch 5.55 Notes: Zadnor & Relic Upgrade

FFXIV Patch 5.55 Overview

Patch 5.55 for Final Fantasy XIV is here, and it introduces the final level of upgrade for the Save The Queen Relic Weapons, as well as the new large scale duty: Zadnor.

  • New Playable Content: Zadnor, Resistance Weapons Upgrade
  • New Items: New mount, orchestion rolls, emote, and hairstyles
  • New Quests, Story, The Feast and Housing
  • System: New achievements and titles, Party Finder update and resolved issues
Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!