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LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: patch note 06/19, PBE

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: patch note 06/19, PBE

Barely made available, the PBE Teamfight Tactics undergoes maintenance from 19 June at 9 PM and will be inactive for an unknown period of time. One of the reasons is a series of balances for some champions including Mordekaiser, Darius and Volibear. Find all the details here.

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT:  patch note 06/19, PBE
PBE available with 06/19 Patch

Update June 20th: TFT is available on the PBE (with a BIG queue, let's not hide it) with the following balances.

First day of Teamfight Tactics on the PBE and first maintenance. We will have some balancing on a dozen champions. Here are all the details to know, before finding the PBE normally around 11 PM (we cross our fingers not to relive the same connection problems as yesterday).


Blitzcrank - Up

- Rocket Grab damage increased from 100/200/300 to 100/350/600.

- Rocket Grab missile speed increased from 1800 to 3000.

- Rocket Grab speed increased from 1800 to 3000.

Gangplank - Up

- Powder Keg damage increased from 100/200 to 150/400.

Mordekaiser - Up

- The mana cost of Obliterate increased from 75 to 100.

- Obliterate damage increased from 150/250/350 to 200/325/450.

Ashe - Bug fix

- Fixed a bug where Enchanted Crystal Arrow did not stun anyone out.


- No nerfs yet, but he's clearly targeted. It is intended to be a top Tier DPS, but is clearly too strong for now. One axe, two axes, and no one stand, especially when he gets the Imperial synergy.

Leona - Bug fix

- Add a visual on the champion stunned by Leona's special ability.

Darius - Nerf

- Decimate damage decreased from 150/225/300 to 150/200/250.

Graves - Nerf

- Damage multiplier of the special capacity reduced from 10/15/20% to 5/10/15%.

Volibear - nerf

- Thunder Claws range reduced from 2 to 1.

- Thunder Claws rebounds reduced from 3/6/9 to 3/5/7.

Written by Jérémie "Djey" Mathis. Translated from French by

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