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High-quality items will be removed from FFXIV after Endwalker

High-quality items will be removed from FFXIV after Endwalker

Square Enix announced during its final Final Fantasy XIV live letter that high quality items will be removed from the game. Here is all the new information on the quality change of items in FFXIV.

While the last Live Letter from the producer of Final Fantasy XIV revealed more information on the job changes or the new gauges, Naoki Yoshida had also mentioned the disappearance of the high quality objects.

The Live Letter also started with the eagerly awaited trailer for the game's new classes, if you missed the video, it remains available in our dedicated article.

In a recent statement, the FFXIV team gave more details about the changes made to the items.

The main reason for this change is the amount of duplicate items in players inventories. Someone who is used to collecting a lot of materials for crafts, for example, could end up with several dozen HQ and NQ mats at the same time.

To limit the impact of harvesting on player inventory, the following items will no longer be obtainable in HQ from Endwalker:

  • Items gathered via botany, mining, and fishing
  • Materials dropped by enemies
  • Materials obtained via tomestone and scrip exchange
  • Non-craftable materials obtained from certain content

Equipment and crafted items (including intermediary materials such as iron ingots) will continue to be obtainable as HQ items.

HQ items affected by this change that have been acquired prior to Patch 6.0 will remain in player inventories.

These items will be “HQ” in name only, as they will not increase crafting quality nor provide any bonuses upon delivery for leves, Grand Company delivery missions, company projects, Crystarium Deliveries, etc.

These items cannot be traded or bought/sold via the market board.

For more information on Final Fantasy XIV, do not hesitate to visit our dedicated portal.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!