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Are Genshin Impact and Elon Musk trolling the community?

Are Genshin Impact and Elon Musk trolling the community?

Did an Elon Musk-themed challenge in Genshin Impact turn sour, or was it just trolling? miHoYo has backed down over a Twitter campaign centered on the Tesla co-founder.

This morning, miHoYo put out a rather strange communication to the Genshin Impact community. Starting with a message from the Twitter account of Ella Musk, a fictional character within Genshin Impact, miHoYo offered its playerbase a community challenge: the more Ella Musk's account gained followers, the greater the collaboration between the real Elon Musk and miHoYo.

Genshin Impact

While funny at first glance, the challenge didn't take long to rile the community. What did the players have to gain? Why were the follower thresholds so high, given the English-language Genshin Impact account only has 2.4 million followers in the first place? Who did the challenge benefit the most, if not the richest man in the world?

There were so many questions, leading to the community failing to support the tweet. A few hours later, miHoYo removed the contest. It's hard to say whether this was just a huge joke that was badly received, or a real challenge.

Either way, it tickled the real Elon Musk.

The event raised many questions within the community, still on guard after the drama of the game's first anniversary. However, between Elon Musk and Genshin Impact, a thread has been woven since Version 1.0 of the game, and the incorporation of Ella Musk, an obvious reference to the billionaire, and a true linguist behind the walls of Mondstadt.

Who knows, maybe the real Elon Musk may one day become a fully-fledged character in the game...

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.