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LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE Patch 06/21

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE Patch 06/21

Third patch in the week on the PBE for the Teamfight Tactics! This time, Riot fixed the Lulu bug and made some modifications on 4 other champions. The Glacial Synergy has been revised, as well as the power of some items.

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE Patch 06/21

After announcing Draven's nerf yesterday, it seems that August Browning, Senior Champions Designer of TFT, can't stop updating and patching Teamfight Tactics.

The long awaited Lulu fix/buff, a nerf of the Glacial Synergy, but not only! Find all details below!



- Glacial Prison damage reduced from 150/250/350 to 100/175/250.

Guinsoo's Rageblade

- Attack Speed per stack reduced from 4% to 3%.

Recurve Bow

- Attack Speed reduced from 20% to 15%.

Traits - Glacial

Glacials units are too good at turning on the perma-stun without investment in the synergy.

Proc chance of the stun reduced from 25/35/45% to 20/30/45%.



Buffing Ch'oGath's Rupture to be better at disrupting clumped backlines.


+ AoE radius increased from 2 to 3 tiles.

- Stun duration reduced from 2.5/3/3.5 to 2/2.25/2.5

+ Damage increased from 250-550 to 200-600


+ Base HP increased from 600 to 700.

+ Five Point Strikes damage increased from 100/250/350 to 150/325/500


Fixed a bug where Lulu's spell would not cast.


- Fixed a bug when Evelynn's spell would sometimes not hit the 3 hexes in front of her.

Locket of the Iron Solari

Zeke's Herald and Locket of the Iron Solari can now stack.


Bug fixing

- Fixed a bug where interest was calculated after round end gold was received.

- Fixed a bug where units picked in shared draft would sometimes lose their items when auto-combined.

Aurelion Sol and Brand

No changes for now but we got our eyes on these two. Sorcerer/magic damage are already powerful and may get even stronger with the reintroduction of Lulu into the meta + nerfs to attack speed items.

All about class synergies in Teamfight Tactics

With the origins, classes are the other synergy that you have to know well to hope winning games of Teamfight Tactics. Here is a Cheat Sheet of class synergies that will be available on the game mode release.

Millenium Rédaction

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