Inspired by Dota Autochess, Teamfight Tactics made its debut on the League of Legends PBE. While this new game mode is still in the test phase, it already has some changes planned to improve the player experience. In a DEV/Blog, we learn that Riot Games intends to optimize the players' experience by gradually bringing in their favorite champions, in order to reach 60 playable champions. In order to do this, a champion will appear every other patch.
However, Riot Games does not stop there, since their wish is to focus on the multiverse aspect of LoL: the game includes more than a thousand skins, each coming from a well-defined universe. This will be used in Teamfight Tactics, since the skins will be linked to the gameplay of the game. In the current stage of TFT, Yasuo only casts Steel Tempest, depending on its mana. But, it seems that using his Odyssey skin will actually switch Steel Tempest for Wind Wall.
The question is whether players will be able to choose the skins themselves, or whether the different versions of the same champion will be able to be purchased in the shop... Case to follow.