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LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE, Patch, June 24, June 25

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE, Patch, June 24, June 25

Available on the PBE of League of Legends for about ten days, Teamfight Tactics is already receiving its 3rd balancing patch. The long-awaited nerf of Aurelion Sol, the Gunslingers buff, and an avalanche of item changes; discover all the details on the 24/6 Patch below!

LoL, Teamfight Tactics, TFT: PBE, Patch, June 24, June 25
25/6 Patch

During the night, August Browning tweeted about the 25/6 Patch being live. It fixes some minor issues with Seraph's Embrace. and also add colored circles to the Shared Draft (Carousel) to make sure players can locate their Little Legend.

It was coming, everyone felt it. Like the first heat of summer, all players knew that the current meta of TFT was going to shift. And it will. Because the long-awaited nerf of the game's most OP Dragon, Aurelion "Laser Gatling" Sol, finally hit the PBE.

Along with a serious buff of Gunslingers stats, and a quite heavy nerf of the Wild trait, a lot of Tier 2 units are receiving massive buffs!

But there is more. Attack Speed items get a new nerf while Magic and Defensive items are buffed.

Find all the maths below!

Nerfs - Aurelion Sol, Wilds & Darius

Aurelion Sol - Nerf

Real talk - Aurelion Sol is OP. We're making his ability take longer to work up top, and buffing Karthus and Morgana to give other Sorcerers their time to shine.

- Voice of Light damage reduced from 300-700 to 250-650.

- Voice of Light mana cost increased from 100 to 125.

Nidalee - Nerf

- Primal Surge heal reduced from 200/600 to 150/600

- AD bonus when transformed in Cougar reduced from 30/20 to 20/120

Wild Trait - Nerf

Nerfing Wild a bit given how powerful Attack Speed has ended up being in TFT.

- Attack Speed per Stack reduced from 8% to 7%.

Darius - Nerf

- Health reduced from 650 to 600

Buffs - Gunslingers & Sorcerers

Gangplank - Buff

+ Powder Keg damage increased from 150/400 to 20/450

Miss Fortune - Buff

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.75 to 0.85

Lucian - Buff

+ Attack Damage increased from 60 to 65

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.60 to 0.65

Tristana - Buff

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.65 to 0.7

+ Explosive Charge damage increased from 125/250 to 150/300

Karthus - Buff

+ Requiem damage increased from 300/800 to 350/850

Morgana - Buff

+ Health increased from 600 to 650

Buffs - Tier 2 Champions

Blitzcrank - Buff

+ Rocket Grab damage increased from 100/600 to 100/800

Elise - Buff

+ Lifesteal when transformed increased from 60/100% to 60/120%

+ Spiderling health increased from 250 to 500.

Shen - Buff

+ Attack Damage increased from 55 to 65.

Pyke - Buff

+ Phantom Undertow stun duration increased from 2/3s to 2.5/3.5s

+ Phantom Undertow mana cost reduced from 125 to 100

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.55 to 0.60

Varus - Buff

+ Piercing arrow cast time reduced from 2s to 1.5s

Zed - Buff

+ Attack Damage increased from 55 to 60

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.6 0.65

Aatrox - Buff

+ Health increased from 650 to 750

+ Darkin Blade damage increased from 300/700 to 350/850

Akali - Buff

+ Five Point Strike damage increased from 150/500 to 200/550

+ Attack Speed increased from 0.7 to 0.75

Yasuo - Buff

+ Health increased from 650 to 700

Garen - Under Monitoring

No changes for now. We're paying attention to how good spinning is at winning.


Bringing down of SPear and Zeke's given their dominance in the current meta. Also buffing up a few of the lesser used items.


Zeke's Herald - Nerf

- Attack Speed aura reduced from 20% to 10%

Spear of Shojin - Nerf

- Spear of Shojin mana per attack reduced from 20% to 15%

Rapid Firecannon - Fix

Fixed a bug where RFC was giving triple range (instead of double)


Guardian Angel - Buff

+ Revive Health increased from 300 to 500

Ionic Spark - Buff

+ Damage increased from 100 to 200

Luden's Echo - Buff

+ Damage increased from 100 to 200

Thornmail - Buff

+ Damage reflect increased from 25 to 35%

Warmog's Armor - Buff

+ Max Health Regen increased from 2.5 to 3%

Teamfight Tactics will welcome 10 new champions over the next patches!

Riot Games plans to add champions as it goes along to its new game mode, Tactical Combat, with sets of skins

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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