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Collect your free Genshin Impact 2.6 Rewards with Playstation Plus

Collect your free Genshin Impact 2.6 Rewards with Playstation Plus

From upgrade materials to free resin there are some rewards that you might have missed in genshin Impact.

From Ayato to the Chasm, Patch 2.6 of Genshin Impact surely brough a lot of content to the game. But getting enough ressources to upgrade your favorite character's not always easy and here's how you can get free ressources that you might have missed.

How to get a free pack in Genshin Impact

To be able to get this pack, you'll have to access the PlayStation Plus. Indeed, Hoyoverse offers players a free bundle. 

To get this set of items, you just need to have your account on an account with PS+. All you have to do is link your miHoYo account on the PlayStation and then download the pack via the PlayStation Store. 

Free bundle content

The pack can be obtained until May 11  most likely when version 2.7's released.

The pack contains

  • Character Exp
  • Weapons Augments
  • 50,000 Mora
  • 2 Fragile Resins
How to farm Frogs in Genshin Impact

If you're looking to upgrade your characters in Genshin Impact some of them will require Frogs and here where to find them

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!