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GTA 6: Employees tease the development, will the game be released soon?

GTA 6: Employees tease the development, will the game be released soon?

While the studio formalized the development of the long-awaited GTA 6, the developers remain very discreet about the game itself, so much so that one wonders even if they are really working on it.

Since the formalization of the development of Grand Theft Auto VI, information about the latter is all too rare. However, despite the developers trying as best they can to keep every detail about Rockstar Games ' next opus secret, it was without counting on the many leaks and rumors that have emerged in recent weeks.

In addition to some details on the content of the game with in particular the supposed playable characters, here is new information that has been freshly discovered, and these come directly from the professional profiles of the developers.

GTA 6, important information is revealed on LinkedIn

Yes, it was without counting on the GTA community who wants at all costs the slightest information on the next title. And for that, what better than to search the various LinkedIn profiles of developers ? Most of the time, studio developers show the games they're working on fairly uninhibitedly, even if the game hasn't been announced or is still in development.

This is the case of two devs from the starred firm: Nathan Hunt and Ryan Schacter . If the latter claim to work on GTA 6, Nathan Hunt seems to take care of the in-game cutscenes (creation of transitions or interactive scenarios), while Ryan Schacter works on the gameplay animation .


On Reddit , it didn't take more for fans to panic, and despite the little information these LinkedIn profiles leak, the mentions of " creating transitions " and " interactive scenarios " seem to confirm the fact that we will have the right to at least two main characters: a sister and her brother. These indeed suggest that we will be able to switch protagonists, as in GTA 5 with our three characters Franklin, Michael and Trevor.

Anyway, it's still far too early to know more, but according to Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two (parent company of Rockstar Games), players should " stay tuned " future announcements from the starred firm.

A much too late release?

But when will we be able to play GTA 6? If the players do not hesitate to joke on social networks by saying that they will be able to play for the title with the future children, the concern still wins the community.

Despite the last words of the CEO of the parent company, the roadmap of the next releases of the publisher absolutely does not suggest the slightest little GTA 6 until the fiscal year 2025, that is to say 2026 for us as a player/consumer.

However, despite this absence, a mention still indicates that games may be added in the future. We just have to cross our fingers and hope to know more very soon.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!