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Leak GTA 6: The FBI now involved, Rockstar Games seems ready to do battle!

Leak GTA 6: The FBI now involved, Rockstar Games seems ready to do battle!

Since last Sunday, the world of the video game industry has been a little upset because of the many leaks of which GTA 6, the next opus of the immense Rockstar Games, has been the victim. Following this, the starred firm decided to show its teeth and not let things go unpunished.

Decidedly, we have been witnessing for 72 hours a real thriller following the publications of images and videos of Grand Theft Auto 6. While we now know more about the hacker who is at the origin of this leak which is certainly the most important of the video game history, we learn this time that Rockstar Games, which is the victim of this misadventure, has decided to take the lead with another victim of the hacker .

Rockstar Games and Uber join forces against the hacker

A few hours ago, we told you that the person behind the many GTA 6 leaks is the same person who was behind the hack that Uber fell victim to a little earlier. Responding to the name of teapotuberhacker or teapots2022 , the latter had a malicious pleasure in taunting the studio, offering in monstrous nerve to do some negotiations.

Following this case, it was only yesterday, Monday September 19, that Rockstar Games decided to speak on social networks following the leaks of their future game, and according to their statements, the developers are incredibly in anger, and we understand them perfectly. But now, what will happen? Well as we could expect, the studio is not going to stop there and has decided, according to information reported by Ben, a well-known insider of the Rockstar Games community, to ally with the company Uber to bring their hack case with the FBI but also before the US Department of Justice .

We also learned this weekend that this same actor had entered the video game manufacturer Rockstar Games. We are working closely with the FBI and the US Department of Justice on this case and will continue to support their efforts.

Through Uber's post, we now have the name of one of the perpetrators in addition to the alleged hacker, and the companies apparently had dealings with the group known as Lapsus who were apparently involved in the attacks. which previously targeted Microsoft and Nvidia in 2022.

What will be the sequence of events?

At present, it is difficult to answer this question, but as we were able to tell you a little earlier, several elements remain to be confirmed, such as whether or not the hacker actually holds the source code of GTA 6, or if he walks in the wild. If this is confirmed in the future, it could mark the end of Rockstar Games' life with its code, which is now available to everyone.

In addition, the latter would have made new threats, declaring that he would soon reveal even more, but nothing is less certain. On the other hand, one point on which we are sure is that he is risking very, very big. He forgets that he is still facing Rockstar Games which is one of the biggest JV studios in the world.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!