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GTA 6: Female character, release date, chosen city... Finally something real!

GTA 6: Female character, release date, chosen city... Finally something real!

While we are still waiting for official information about the highly anticipated GTA 6, here are new leaks this time seem to be talking about them more than ever, with quite concrete content that could turn out to be true. !

For several months now, we have had the right to several rumors indicating this or that information on the next Rockstar Games title which will be none other than Grand Theft Auto 6. If some have been denied by well-known insiders in the gaming world, here is that new information this time seems more concrete than ever, and comes to us from Bloomberg. Among the latest leaks is the affirmation of a playable female character, as well as a new art direction that will further distance the new title from its predecessor, Grand Theft Auto 5.

It would seem that the latest events have particularly affected the whole world, and more specifically the USA with the assassination of George Floyd, this man cowardly killed by a police officer during a simple check. Following this tragedy, Rockstar Games made some decisions for the Online of its flagship title by deciding to cancel one of its new modes titled Cops'n'Crooks . The latter had to stage "the good guys and the bad guys" with a team of police officers and civilians, you can easily imagine the rest.

This decision is not the only one that the starred firm has taken in recent months, and the studio seems to want to change paths more, especially for its next title GTA 6 . If we were used to dealing with groups of men, more or less friends, with a fairly macho culture, it must be admitted, according to Bloomberg, GTA 6 should offer, and this for the first time, a protagonist female playable. This one would be Latina and would be one of the two main characters. To put it simply, our duo would be close to the famous duo of known thieves, Bonny and Clyde.

Such a decision in GTA is quite exceptional, since as we were able to tell you just before, franchise players are used to playing gangsters and killing lots of civilians, but also to seeing women as nothing than mere sexual objects . And if the atmosphere of GTA 5 immersed us in an environment in which chaos reigned with right-wing radio hosts to liberal politicians, this reflected, again according to Bloomberg, the atmosphere within the studio. According to the site, " Rockstar employees described a corporate culture where booze, fights, and trips to strip clubs were commonplace ," not to mention the sudden crunch to get the hang of it. game on time.

Following this, in 2018, some tongues were loosened, and since these events, the firm has been trying to reinvent itself so as to no longer be perceived as a "boys club" company , as one employee reported. As a result, GTA 6 should really be very different from what we know today , and if the game is taking so long to appear, it is because the company has had to deal with many changes , starting with improvements to working conditions such as the limitation of overtime, or the new policy called "flexible working hours" which allows employees to take time off immediately for each overtime hour they work. In addition, there was also the departure of Dan Houser in 2019 , the latter then leading the creative direction of the old games. Following his departure, changes necessarily took place with a drastic change with regard to the creation. Finally, there is also the COVID-19 pandemic, which has also slowed down the development of the game enormously. During this, the employees were apparently pampered by management, and they even had the to several masks and other objects/products so as not to be contaminated by the virus.

Because of this, GTA 6 naturally takes longer to develop, but we understand that this is for the well-being of the developers. In addition, management has indicated that it will not be necessary to work so-called excessive overtime to complete the title as soon as possible. Nevertheless, despite a long wait that continues, industry analysts predict that the title will be released in Take-Two's 2024 fiscal year, which runs from April 2023 to March 2024 , just over a year from now. year.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!