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Fortnite: How to find Deadpool's milk carton

Fortnite: How to find Deadpool's milk carton

Find Deadpool's Milk Carton is one of the Deadpool's weekly challenges that comes with Chapter 2 Season 2.

Fortnite: How to find Deadpool's milk carton
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This season, all battle pass owners can access Deadpool's weekly challenges to unlock the Marvel superhero skin. For this challenge,  you'll have to get your hands on his milk carton. Knowing Deadpool's sense of tidiness and cleanliness, your search could have been a real ordeal...

Don't panic: the famous milk carton is located in Deadpool's hidden room, accessible via the battle pass lobby. Click on the ventilation duct, and activate the challenge on the computer.


The milk carton is right on the urinal. All you have to do is click on it. A luminous glow will indicate the validation of the challenge: it's as simple as that! 

Here's what you need to do for the Deadpool Weekly Challenges

Here's everything you need to know about the new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 Deadpool challenges and rewards.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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