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Twitch: This Fortnite streamer has been in "jail" for 60 days on his own stream!

Twitch: This Fortnite streamer has been in "jail" for 60 days on his own stream!

60 days ago, this streamer set himself a totally crazy challenge on Fortnite. Unfortunately for him, he struggles to see the end of it and seems trapped in his own Twitch stream. Here is a rather unusual story!

Twitch users know it, the platform sometimes gives rise to completely crazy challenges. Indeed, the possibility of being able to broadcast several days without interruption gives ideas to certain content creators. This is the case of iGamer4tv, which started a veritable marathon two months ago and today begins its 60th day of streaming. His goal ? Reaching 1,271 kills in Fortnite but you'll's not that easy.

Two months of relentless attempts

It was 60 days ago today that iGamer4tv set itself a major challenge: to reach 1,271 kills on Fortnite. While it doesn't seem that difficult at first glance, the streamer insisted on placing a handicap. Because of the latter, he has to remove 2 kills from his global counter every time Twitch users donate 100 bits to him. Bits are a virtual currency of the platform, bought in order to support a particular streamer or to give him strength. While this handicap can prove to be quite profitable for the streamer, it also becomes the object of his nightmares as he does not seem to be able to reach his kills objective.

For the past two months, therefore, the content creator has been eating, sleeping, and (almost) only playing Fortnite. A real feat even if his challenge is still far from over...

A not-so-beneficial media boom

While he was not so far from his goal a few days ago, his challenge started to make people talk about him. On social networks and especially on Twitter, many users discovered it and happily took part in the challenge. Quickly, iGamer4tv's kill counter melted like snow in the sun and his hopes of freedom flew away. The streamer also comically responded to Jake Lucky's post, saying, "Jake bro, thanks for making me play Fortnite for the rest of my life."

He may be streaming the new year, but we wonder if iGamer4tv will manage to complete his challenge despite the enthusiasm of Twitch viewers, or if he will have to end this marathon himself. In any case, the content creator seems more than motivated and even after 60 days of broadcasting, he is still smiling!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!