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Fortnite: Get the free Papa Guff skin during Christmas!

A free skin on Fortnite? You never say no, especially when the maneuver to obtain it is quite simple. This exclusive outfit is on paper intended for PC players, but you can still get it otherwise! We explain how.

Fortnite makes Top 1 in the hearts of porn lovers

In the video game world, it must be said that we have something for everyone... FPS, adventure, action, we are served, and if there is a game that performs in the field of Battle Royale, it also performs. ..on adult sites! Yes, Fortnite is also Top 1 there.

Fortnite x MHA: did the kickoff of the collab 'leak via a Japanese ad?

The cosmetic partnership between Fortnite and MHA is arguably the most anticipated crossover of the season, but Epic Games is slow to reveal its launch date. It was through a Japanese ad that some of the dataminers got wind of the day when the collaboration would be likely to happen.

Where are the Hot Spots?

The hot zone system used by Electronic Arts on Apex Legends seems to have once again inspired Epic Games which has just released its own version of hot spots on Fortnite's Battle Royale mode.

Deku and the other My Hero Academia skins, when is it for?

Fortnite x MHA will become a reality during this season 1 of chapter 4! But is there a release date for this collaboration that promises to be spectacular? Many players search for Deku and All-Might in the Battle Pass, to no avail...

Fortnite: Why is Kanye West permanently banned from the game?

After making anti-Semitic remarks, Kanye West is let go by the brands that made him rich. One by one, commercial collaborations with the rapper crumble. On Twitter, the strange rumor of a permanent ban of Kanye on Fortnite begins to swell …

When and where to see Aya Nakamura's concert?

Aya Nakamura will raise the temperature on Fortnite! The French-speaking star is on a virtual tour of the Battle Royale this weekend. Find out the dates and times of the concert, as well as the rewards that can be obtained by watching it!

Fortnite x Stranger Things: The collab should soon expand!

While we have already had the right to a first crossover between Fortnite and the hit Netflix series Stranger Things, it seems that the two are doing it again for a second time for our greatest pleasure. A return of the series for the Halloween period?

A new map and a new chapter at the end of this season 4?

What if the brand new season 4 was actually the last of chapter 3? We would then be entitled to a brand new card before Christmas. This seemingly wacky theory recently got fleshed out after dataminers collected some pretty compelling clues.

No event, little hype... Is this season 4 already a flop?

Difficult beginnings with the community for this episode of BR. Backed by unexciting features, the traditional hype of the new season is already unraveling, after a few hours of existence. It's floundering at Epic Games. And not just in chrome.