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Fortnite Chapter 4: these XP glitch maps will boost your Battle Pass Level

Fortnite Chapter 4: these XP glitch maps will boost your Battle Pass Level

Want to boost your EXP acquisition at the start of Chapter 4? These creative mode maps are for you, if you're tired of farming the weekly challenges. The rare skins and variants of the Seasonal Battle Pass are yours!

Fortnite Chapter 4: these XP glitch maps will boost your Battle Pass Level

Are you too lazy to go through the weekly challenges to slowly but surely grow your Fortnite battle pass? You're not the only one, but rest assured: each season, players in the creative mode have many tools to acquire skins and accessories via the Battle Pass, but zapping the traditional Battle Royale mode.

The tools in question are mainly glitch XP maps, which grant fabulous amounts of Battle Pass experience over time, and often more generously than the classic BR mode! Indeed, the creative mode has its own quotas of allocation of experience, but some clever creators manage to circumvent the limits somewhat!

XP glitch map codes



Take care to methodically follow the explanations contained in the two videos above. XP glitches maps contain hidden experience, and by definition you will only be able to benefit from them by knowing these glitches beforehand, and not by walking around the map randomly.

Glitches not eternal

Technically, Epic Games does not support the abuse of experience glitches. It is therefore possible that the amounts of experience acquired through these creative maps will be reduced in a few weeks. Nevertheless, these glitched maps are great ways to gain some experience to advance to level 100 (or even 200 for the most diligent), without having to wait for the release of the basic challenges.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!