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Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Gold Roses, how to get them?

Animal Crossing: New Horizons: Gold Roses, how to get them?

The Gold Roses are a bit the endgame content for players with a green hand in Animal Crossing: New Horizons! In this guide, we explain how to create golden roses on your island!

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The golden flowers are the result of hard work between the improvement of your island and the successful hybridization of your red roses. These roses require a specific tool and especially a very precise technique to be able to transform into a golden rose. Here is the detail of all the steps to follow to upgarde your garden in Animal Crossing New Horizons.

1st step: Get the golden watering can

Without this tool, you will not be able to grow golden roses on your island. Here are the different steps to get this watering can:

  • Have a perfect island, a 5-star rating
  • Get the DIY recipe thanks to Isabelle at the Town Hall
  • Have a gold nugget to make the tool

2nd step: cross red roses to have black roses

Pattern to get Black Roses in Animal:Crossing New Horizons
Pattern to get Black Roses in Animal:Crossing New Horizons

Plant red roses in mesh to create black rose plants and remember to water them (unless it is raining). Once the black roses have flowered, dig them up and plant them in the same way as the red roses.

3rd step: cross black roses to have golden roses

Cross the black roses in a mesh, in the same way as the red roses and water your plants with the golden watering can. Without this tool, you will not be able to get these rare roses. The next day, you will see golden rose buds.

Sales price and uses of golden roses

The golden roses can be sold 1000 bells in the Nook shop. They can also be used as a hair accessory or as an interior / exterior decoration.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

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