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How to reset your stats in Elden Ring

How to reset your stats in Elden Ring

If you're looking to reset your Elden Ring Character's stats here how you can do just that at any time.

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Changing your gamestyle and weapons in Elden Ring might need different stats from the one you already have, but don't worry, we got you covered with this restat guide. Obviously this includes some spoilers for an important bosses. Resetting the attribute points will simply restore the starting points of your starting class. This is not the opportunity to have a character with 1 in each attribute and free points to redistribute.

Unlock Rebirth in Elden Ring

  • Direction the second region of the Underworld: Liurnia, the area of the lake and the academy. You will need to find the Key to enter the academy, it is in the dragon's nest to the west.
  • You then have to fight your way through the academy, with a minor boss and many enemies in your path. You then have to overcome your final boss at the top of the tower: Rennala, queen of the full moon.
  • After his defeat, Rennala gives you his Major Rune of Rebirth, which as its name suggests allows you to be reborn, and therefore to respecialize yourself. An option also allows you to change the appearance of your character.

Larval tears

However, there is a price to use this feature, you need a Larval Tear each time . They can be found in different places in the game, as well as on certain enemies. You can buy one from the somewhat hidden merchant in La Siofra, the underground area, for 3000 Runes.

Once all of these conditions are met, you can simply reallocate your attribute points to the nearby Vanished Grace. Try not to overdo it, Larval Tears are pretty rare.

Once all of these conditions are met, you can simply reallocate your attribute points to the nearby Vanished Grace. Try not to overdo it, Larval Tears are pretty rare.

  • If you're looking for more Larval Tears, you can get them from the Mimic Tear boss in the Eternal City of Nokron, as well as the enemies that look like giant balls in the depths and in the city that follows it in the second part of La Siofra, as well as the second part of L'Ainsel. However, you will need to have defeated Radahn to access these areas.
  • The Grafted Offspring disguised as a giant lobster, not far from the Church of Roses in Liurnia.
  • Pidia the servant at Caria Manor in Liurnia also sells one.
  • After Loretta, Royal Knight at Caria Manor, upon accessing the following graveyard area, interact with the seated ghost, it will drop a larval tear.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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