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Here's how to kill Radagon and Elden Beast the final boss of Elden Ring

Here's how to kill Radagon and Elden Beast the final boss of Elden Ring

The final battle in Elden Ring is in front and you and here's our video and written guide on how to defeat the Elden Beast and Radagon of the Golden Order

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Depending on your level and your build, the end of Elden Ring can seem endless with all its difficult bosses but that's it, here comes the very last fight, against Radagon, the second lord of Elden, the second half of goddess Marika, and the Elden Beast, the vassal of the Supreme Will, the outer deity who currently rules the Underworld.


  • It's a tough fight, and there's still time to put the odds on your side, for example by going to farm runes to gain additional levels, stamina in particular makes a huge difference in this fight. Upgrade your weapon to +25, or +10. Going to explore side content, like the secret regions to the north can kill two birds with one stone in this area. Going to unlock the other endings that are still accessible can be a great idea too.
  • The summoning spirit will also greatly determine the difficulty of the fight.
  • Finding the Legendary Talismans can also help.
  • You can craft and use consumables that increase holy resistance. Using a coating for your weapon will also help you defeat the boss faster.

Stage 1: Radagon of the Golden Order

  • As you may have already discovered, this boss is formidable, it is fast, aggressive, and has many attacks that are difficult to counter. It severely punishes the outrageous use of the rolls that we tend to perform in a loop in a moment of panic , since it alternates between rapid hammer blows, and other slower ones, as if to wait for the end of the roll. to pin you to the ground. You will therefore have to learn to manage his basic sequences (usually 3 hits), by adopting the right timing for your rolls, as well as his big attacks. Luckily, it's pretty easy to expose him to a critical hit if you multiply charged or jump attacks.
  • Quite a few Radagon techniques that lay golden marks on the ground will deal damage an instant after they spawn, you have to roll quickly out of them. Jumping can also be a good option with the right timing.

    We are not going to review all of his techniques, the majority can be dodged, preferably with a roll on his flanks in order to take the opportunity to attack him. We will instead give you the method to dodge the most painful:

  • When Radagon takes off and charges his hammer into the air , he prepares to swoop down on you. The solution is counter-intuitive, you have to roll towards him at the last moment , when he falls, in order to finish in contact. The reason is simple, the roll will protect you from the impact, but also from the start of the wave of energy that follows and starts from its position. If you follow up on attacks, it will cancel the energy explosion that normally follows. Suffice to say that managing this attack well in this way will drastically facilitate the confrontation.
  • When Radagon charges his hammer to the ground to trace gigantic golden runes over much of the area, getting away is pointless. The solution is either to dash towards him to pass on his flanks, or even behind his back, at least if you are close enough . If you're far away, you can run sideways and around the area (trying to get closer if possible to increase your angular velocity, it's easier to pivot around him a few meters away than at the other end of So the 3 rune blasts will always lag your moves, at least if you're fast enough, jumping at the right time also seems like a solution, but, if you have the right timing.
  • Around 50% health, Radagon will get angry and add a fast teleport to his movements, which will greatly complicate things. When it disappears, consider that it will reappear on you the next moment (even if it can be otherwise with an invocation), so you have to roll back very quickly. Then it's going to depend on his action, sometimes he's vulnerable to an attack, but most of the time he'll give a hammer blow instantly. The easiest way is probably to mentally prepare yourself to do a second roll, this time diagonally to avoid his attack and be able to counterattack. He sometimes teleports back immediately, so don't let your guard down.

Stage 2: Elden beast

Upon Radagon's death, the true final boss appears. Unfortunately for you, this counts as one and the same fight, you will still have to face Radagon on each attempt. This second phase isn't particularly difficult actually, but since it's impossible to train on it easily, and you're not in very good shape after finishing the first phase, it makes it more difficult. Your best chance of winning is therefore to start this phase with as many healing potions as possible, and summon alive (and with as much life remaining as possible), Have enough life and resistances not to get killing directly by this boss's attacks will also greatly help. You have one second after Radagon dies to cast a spell or drink a potion.

In melee, this fight is really painful, locking the camera on his head is a good way to completely disorient and make you nauseous. On the other hand, just looking at your chest in melee is unfortunately a good way to not see a big attack coming. You will have to keep an eye on his arms, and listen to the sound effects in order to identify the spells and techniques he is preparing in order to know when, and how to move .

The weak point of this boss is the sort of golden/galaxy stain on his chest . This is where to attack, and also where to critically hit him when exposed. This is not particularly noticeable with lighting effects.

You will have to run after the boss in the different corners of the arena, try to manage your stamina well so that you have enough to continue dodging and attacking when you reach it. Now let's review his main attacks, and how to dodge them:

  • The sword slashes are absolutely devastating, but easy to see coming, you should be able to dodge them with a little practice if you've gotten this far. It is especially necessary to be wary of his weapon when it shines with a golden gleam, he will plant it in the lake and make it explode. It's probably better to turn to finish behind his back, than to attempt a risky melee double dodge.
  • The kind of cloud of space gas spread in the area is not instantly dangerous, but it will explode after a few moments, much like Teostra from Monster Hunter. Just avoid staying indoors.
  • One of his most dangerous attacks is the summoning of small golden balls, it is accompanied by a characteristic sound, so you can prepare for it even if you have your head in the boss, since he does not hesitate to throw even when you are in melee. You have to run laterally to avoid the rain of projectiles . If you cash them all, certain death awaits you.
  • A variant used later is the summoning of a golden ball which will follow you and turn around you, constantly releasing guided projectiles. She is sure to cause nightmares for those trying to finish the boss without getting hit. There's not much else to do but run around dodging regularly, in order to limit the damage.
  • Finally, the beast has two super attack variants. He will summon a large circle rune of Elden in the sky and charge it. It is absolutely necessary to sprint not to be below. The area covered is very wide. Golden circles will fall in front of you, try to jump over them. Your objective is to get out of the big golden circle on the ground. This attack comes in two forms, a "simple" one with a single golden wave to dodge, and an area that isn't that big. And a complex version, which comes later in the fight, with 2 to 3 waves to dodge, and a much larger area for the final explosion.

    Be patient and methodical in this phase, the beast's attacks aren't that hard to dodge, and it's exposed for long periods of time when it stops fleeing.

This guide has been translated from MGG France by bxakid and was originally written by Raiden Robin.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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