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Fortnite turret: where to find it and how to destroy for the challenge

Fortnite turret: where to find it and how to destroy for the challenge

Week 7 challenge asks you to destroy a turret using remote-controlled explosives, more commonly known as C4 and here's how to do it.

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For this seventh week of seasonal challenges, Fortnite will ask you to detonate an artillery turret of the Seven, using remote-controlled explosives, also named C4 by most players. This will undoubtedly be one of the toughest challenges of this weekly series, since remote-controlled explosives are not always easy to find.

Where to find turrets?

Turrets are located in cities that have been besieged by the IO previously. They resemble the automatic turrets found on the Armored Battle Bus. Be careful, most of them are quite difficult to spot from afar because they are behind barricades.

Finally, be careful not to confuse them with IO cannons, which are located on the airships!

How to destroy a turret with C4?

The challenge explicitly states to destroy a turret with remote explosives, so not just any explosives. Remote Control Explosives (or C4) are epic quality items, which can be found absolutely anywhere. On the ground, in chests, in packages... Real challenge solving experts will tell you that the easiest way to find a specific object is to equip a vehicle with a stone plow, then demolish buildings using it. mass. But rest assured, playing normally will be more than enough most of the time.

In fact, the biggest difficulty of this challenge will be finding C4, then going to one of the turrets while staying alive. Once the C4 is in hand and the turret in front of you, all you have to do is place the C4 at the foot of the machine, then press the button!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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