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WoW Shadowlands: The Necrotic Wake Dungeon Guide

WoW Shadowlands: The Necrotic Wake Dungeon Guide

Layout, bosses, and strats — everything you need to know about the Necrotic Wake from Shadowlands is in this article.

WoW Shadowlands: The Necrotic Wake Dungeon Guide

The Necrotic Wake is one of the eight dungeons of World of Warcraft's newest expansion: Shadowlands. It is accessible during leveling from level 50 to 60 in the Bastion area.

It is a 5 player dungeon accessible to players of both factions from level 50.

Maldraxxus troops have invaded Bastion! Thirsty for anima, these abominations ransacked the Temple of Courage. Our heroes must repel the invader to prevent the collapse of this heavenly place.

Difficulty mode available

  • Normal (Level 50+)
  • Heroic (Level 60)
  • Mythical (Level 60)

Necrotic Wake Bosses

The Necrotic Wake is made up of four bosses from the armies of Maldraxxus.


A corpulent mass of rotting flesh, Chancros was lovingly sewn by Doctor Sutur to lead the vanguard of the assault on the Temple of Courage.

Amarth, the Resuscitator

Powerful and sadistic, Amarth directs the necromancers of Zolramus. He oversees the harvest of stiffs from the top of his flying mount, an undead abomination that goes by the name of Croc-d'Os.

Doctor Sutur

Doctor Sutur is the brain behind all the abominations that emanate from the flying fortress of Zolramus. Driven by frenzied fervor, he uses the flesh of defeated enemies to create undead amalgams that contribute to the wars of Maldraxxus in Shadowland.

Nalthor the Rimebinder

Commander of the house of Rituals, the devious Nalthor the Frostbinder orchestrates the attacks against the unfortunate Kyrian forces.
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