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Call of Duty Warzone: How to open bunkers

Call of Duty Warzone: How to open bunkers

Bunkers are now available in Warzone. In this guide, we explain how to open them.

Call of Duty Warzone: How to open bunkers

Bunkers in Warzone can now be opened after patch 1.21 went live across all platforms. They were always on the map, but they were impossible to enter even if you have an access card in your hands. FaZe Dirty demonstrated how to open the bunkers and serves as a good guide to find out how to open these bunkers.

How to open bunkers?

  • Have an access card with you
  • Present yourself in front of the bunker
  • Press one of the buttons on the sides of the door
  • The doors will open and the hidden loot is yours!

What does the bunkers have in store?

As we can see in the video above, bunkers offer a large number of loot boxes. The system is similar to Apex Legends. Warzone offers you a wide choice in weapons and money so that you can have everything you need to score a win.

Modern Warfare & Warzone Patch 1.21 Patch Notes

The mid-season update for Modern Warfare and Warzone has gone live across all platforms. Find out what has been added and changed in this article.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !