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Modern Warfare 3 remastered campaign coming soon, leaks report

Modern Warfare 3 remastered campaign coming soon, leaks report

According to leakers, the Modern Warfare cycle will come to a close with the release of a remastered version of the third title's campaign.

Modern Warfare 3 remastered campaign coming soon, leaks report

Not content with the incredible success of Warzone, it seems Activision are pushing ahead with more Call of Duty: Modern Warfare content. 

A leaker has said that a remastered Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 campaign will roll out later this year, closing cycle and ensuring the classic trilogy all has a facelift.

Of course, nothing official has been announced just yet. It's also likely we won't know anything until the last moment, given Activision did the same for Modern Warfare 2 Remastered. There could even be PlayStation exclusivity, too.

While fans of the classic series will be happy to see it conclude, they have also implored Activision to unlock Modern Warfare's multiplayer. For now, the remasters are just for the campaign modes, but until we hear otherwise officially, anything could be on the table.

Xavi Mogrovejo

Cor Petit.