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Modern Warfare and Warzone: New Operators Leaked, Soap, Sparks

Modern Warfare and Warzone: New Operators Leaked, Soap, Sparks

Two brand-new Operators for Modern Warfare and Warzone have been leaked. Find everythign you need to know about the new Operators in this article.

Modern Warfare and Warzone: New Operators Leaked, Soap, Sparks

CODTracker has found new cosmetic bundles that have uncovered brand-new Operators.

Soap and Mirka Sparks are new Operators that will be available in Modern Warfare and Warzone. These will not be available in Black Ops Cold War.

Cosmetic items purchased on Modern Warfare and Black Ops Cold War can be used on Warzone, but cannot be transferred across games. 

In addition to the new weapons and future maps added on Modern Warfare, here are the two bundles where Soap and Mirka will be available for purchase for 2400 CP or $19.99.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Weapon blueprints,charms, calling cards and stickers will be available in this bundle.

Currently, there has not been any confirmation of a seventh season arriving to Modern Warfare and Warzone due to the integration of Black Ops Cold War and the launch of Season One.

Be sure to stay tuned for the latest news as it becomes available.

Patch 1.30 has gone live on Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare has received a new update. Find out all the changes made in this article.

Camille B

Ton pire cauchemar !

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson