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Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Legendary Animals, Map, Rewards

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Legendary Animals, Map, Rewards

Panther, cougar, elk, deer... Discover the location of all the legendary RDR2 animals and learn more about their rewards and NPCs that will allow you to make powerful accessories with our guides.

Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide: Legendary Animals, Map, Rewards

If you master the hunt in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will probably be interested in hunting legendary animals and you will be absolutely right to do so, they bring great rewards. Note that there is also a fishing version of this side quest, which is obviously interested in the legendary fish. To know everything about it, click on the link below:

Red Dead Redemption 2 : List and position of legendary fishes

Discover the position of RDR2's 14 legendary fishes and how to catch them in this detailed guide.

Position of the legendary animals

Tracking these ferocious animals will give you access to many advantages, such as powerful accessories. Here is the map with the position of their territory. On the spot, it will be necessary to collect clues in order to track them down. It will be necessary to use the Lynx Eye and then collect prints, traces, hair and faeces. Some of them are only unlocked when you have advanced in challenges or quests such as the legendary bear or the legendary panther.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Legendary animals

  1. Legendary White Buffalo
  2. Legendary Sheep
  3. Legendary Deer
  4. Legendary Wolf
  5. Legendary Elk
  6. Legendary Grizzly Bharati
  7. Legendary Moose
  8. Legendary Beaver
  9. Legendary Wild Boar
  10. Legendary Male Alligator
  11. Legendary Coyote
  12. Legendary Fox
  13. Legendary Giaguaro Panther
  14. Legendary Buffalo Tatanka
  15. Legendary Antelope
  16. Legendary Cougar


Hunting legendary animals will bring you many components to bring back to the trapper and fence. These will allow you to make precious items such as clothes, talismans and amulets. Below, you can find our guides concerning this high level equipment:

Note: Talismans will not only require legendary animal components, you will also need to find other very rare materials and tens of dollars in your pocket.

Written by Bastien "Lloyd" Dubosq-Luyer. Translated from French by

Millenium Rédaction